Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Theoretical aspects of education

Exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage: on the problem of terminology (on the basis of A. S. Makarenko's oeuvre)


This article identifies the specific features of processes of exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage on the basis of history of development of A. S. Makarenko's heritage as a social pedagogue-reformer in the context of description of social pedagogical initiative and formal pedagogy. The author emphasises the parallelism of the two factors, their non-linear and cyclic character, interdependence and interaction within the processes of exploration and development of A. S. Makarenko’s heritage in Soviet pedagogy.

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Actualisation of value priorities of Russian cosmism in the context of pedagogical thought evolution


This article analyses the value foundations of pedagogy at the present stage and in historical development. The author offers a classification of the main value attitudes to personalities (to oneself, other equal subjects, and the world), which makes it possible to analyze the changing objectives of education. The article explains why pedagogical addresses the value priorities of Russian cosmism as a result of the expansion of society's value field.

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Indicators of higher education quality in the context of consumption values


This article offers an author’s interpretation of such notions as “educational service” and “education quality”. The author describes the existing approaches to classification of consumption values, identifies the components of educational services that are of importance in the context of consumption values, and outlines the prospects of applying value approach to developing educational services at a university.

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Conditions for students' effective research and pedagogical activity at university


This article describes the conditions for effective research and pedagogical activity of students at university on the basis of system-oriented approach to the analysis of research and pedagogical activity. These conditions are as follows: integration of research and educational activity, individualisation of educational process, effective interaction between the student and academic supervisor, etc.

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Psychological and pedagogical studies

A comparative analysis of the development of intercultural sensitivity in university students under the conditions of multicultural environment


This article presents a study into intercultural sensitivity on the basis of a student sample. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the development of intercultural sensitivity in students of two faculties. Special attention is paid to the need to introduce the ethnocultural component into university training programmes.

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Concepts of social support: positive and negative effects of social relations in the context of subjective well-being of a human being


This article describes the basic negative and positive effects of social relations of a person in the context of their subjective well-being on the basis of international publications, which have not been translated into Russian yet and are little known in the country. The authors present their own typology of positive and negative effects of social support in situations of normal and abnormal social functioning of an individual.

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Behaviour formation: practical application of behaviourism ideas


This article focuses on the issues of practical application of social behaviourism ideas and presents the results of a training aimed at the
formation of effective behavioural patterns. The data obtained in the course of study require reconsideration of behaviourists’ ideas and an analysis of their application in educational process.

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Professional training of the expert

Some problems of ecological education of students of military higher education institutions and possible ways to solve them


This article is devoted to the features of ecological education at a military higher education institution pertaining to the need to apply the competence model of specialist training. The author analyses the research and pedagogical problems of organization of military professional ecological training of students of different fields of study and offers the ways to solve them in the framework of the competence approach concept.

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Competence approach to professional training of master students at technical universities


This article discusses the pedagogical system of formation of universal and professional competences in master students of technical fields of study. Special attention is paid to the development and implementation of the techniques of forming the activity component of professional competence.

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Physical culture and health-proving technologies

Pedagogical and psychophysiological aspects of apparatus handling in rhythmic gymnastics


This article focuses on psychophysiological aspects of development of apparatus manipulation skills in view of the available classification of grips are. The authors offer a description of apparatus grips used in rhythmic gymnastics. The article presents the results of analysis of video records of competition compositions of professional gymnasts.

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Special features of morphofunctional indicators of students of primary schools of the city of Gomel


This article offers a comparative analysis of physical development and functional condition of primary school students of Gomel (Belarus) educational institutions and corresponding indicators. Sufficient information on the issue will make it possible to adjust the content and orientation of physical training of primary school students.

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Organisation of a sports and health-improving club for the disabled as a factor of activating mass physical culture and sports activity


This article focuses on the main reasons for insufficient involvement of disabled people in physical training and sports. As a form of practical application of theoretical knowledge, the author suggests establishing sports clubs for the disabled on the basis of universities training specialists in adaptive physical training.

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Research of young scientists

Development of a new typology of communicative barriers in modern pedagogy


This article offers a new classification of communicative barrier types based on causal relation. These barrier types are identified according to strictly subjective criteria as student's individual psychological factors leading to the destruction of common communicative activity and a decrease in learning efficacy.

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Learning and research culture of students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes


This article deals with the theoretical problems of learning and research culture, its functions and criteria, as well as possibilities of its formation in students of rural schools in the History of Western Russia classes in view of the specific features of the educational institution and the novelty of the discipline.

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