Natural and medical sciences

2009 Issue №7

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Ontogenetic Dynamics of Hydrocortisone Quantitative Content of the Common Octopus Octopus vulgaris, Lamark (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)



The article describes the quantitative content dynamics of the hydrocortisone steroid hormone in different organs and tissues in the course of the common octopus ontogenesis. The author detects general patterns of its quantitative distribution in the octopus organism and formulates a hypothesis on the functional significance of hydrocortisone in the examined tissues of mollusks.
Hydrocortisone level is one of the most important organizers of general adaptation syndrome in the organisms of vertebrates under different forms of stress. It may be also used as an indicator of organism state of invertebrate hydrobionts in biotesting and bioindication of water biocenoses.


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