Natural and medical sciences

2009 Issue №7

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Seasonal Larva Number Dynamics and Settlement of Juvenile Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) in the Prybrezhny Quarry (the Kaliningrad region)



The article analyses the seasonal dynamics of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas), larva length composition and juvenile recruitment in perennial natural colonies in the Prybrezhny Querry (the Kaliningrad region). In 2002, zebra mussel larvae were found in plankton from the second part of July till the end of August. The peaks of abundance were registered in the middle of July and in the beginning of August. The larvae accounted for 33% of the total zooplankton abundance. The size of larvae varied from 100 to 375 μm. The beginning of the juvenile settlement was observed in July. Colony mud accumulation is considered having a negative effect on successful settlement and survival of juveniles.


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