The humanities and social science

The humanities and social science


Russian Philosophy Abroad: Development of Conceptual Framework


Russian philosophy abroad is associated with the names of those representatives of Russian culture who left the country or were forced to leave after the well-know revolutionary events, for instance, the outstanding Russian thinkers: Nikolai Berdyaev, Ivan Ilyin, Nikolay Lossky, Semyon Frank, and others. The article considers the conceptual framework of Russian philosophies. It allows stating, that the categorical structures of Russian philosophy are obviously original and have great theoretical potential granting new opportunities for philosophical creation.

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Immanuel Kant and Pavel Novgorodtsev and their views on the Agent of History


The article compares the approaches of Immanuel Kant and Pavel Novgorodtsev to the role and importance of humanity and human personality in historical process proposed by I. Kant and P. I. Novgorodtsev. The author analyses the similarities and differences of their positions and defines the main lines of Novgorodtsev’s development of Kant’s methodology.

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Historiosophical Prognoses of Nikolai Berdyaev in Intertextual Projection of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński


The article analyses the reference of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s to Berdyaev’s philosophy of history and the interpretation and reinterpretation of “The New Middle Ages”. The author defines the differences and similarities of the apocalyptic thinking of the Russian philosopher and the Polish writer.

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Technogenic Tendency of Modern Society Informatisation Processes


The article defines the notion of modern technogenic social and natural development and the role of informatisation in the increasingly technogenic character of the evolution of society, biosphere and human being.

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From Energy of Word to Energy of Thing: Development of Linguistic and Philosophical Ideas of Alexander Potebnya in Works of Sergey Bulgakov


The article focuses on the scientific heritage of Alexander Potebnyа, the central figure in the history of Russian linguistic and philosophical tradition, and Sergey Bulgakov's doctrine of word and language, presented in the work «Philosophy of Name». The comparative analysis reveals the following: a) the key elements of S. Bulgakov’s doctrine historically genetically rooted in A. A. Potebnya's linguistic research; b) the basic difference between the philosophical bases of two concepts (gnoseological and ontological paradigms of language study); c) characteristic correspondence of basic views on the structure of word and the functioning of language.

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Political and social studies

Social Attitude to Drug-Addiction in the Belgorod Region


The article presents the results of the survey on the attitude of the Belgorod region residents to drug addiction. The problem of drug addiction is analysed from the points of view of three groups: residents, specialists in drug addiction prevention and experts on this problem. The authors define stereotypes and illusions about drug addiction and its prevention. The article provides practical recommendations which include a system for information support for drug addicts.

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Resocialization of Orphans at Vocational School


The article presents the requirements to orphan socialization and resocialization processes, the determinants and criteria of the estimation of orphan rеsocialization efficiency in the course of vocational training; the authors define organization and methodology bases of resocialization individual support at vocational school.

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