Natural and medical sciences

2009 Issue №1

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Structural features of upwelling in South-East Baltic



The article examines some features of the upwelling observed in the South-East Baltic in October 2005 which were investigated by
means of comparison of the field measurement data and numerical simulated data. The article explores the upwelling which took place after calm weather when thermohaline fields had parameters close to summer ones. Upwelling was produced by North-East wind with sped of about 15 m/s and duration of about 3 days. After the gale the alongshore belt of respectively cold water of width 8 km and placed apart the shore at 8 km had been formed in an area with depth of 25 m. The temperature in the upwelling core had dropped by 4 C. Changes in thermoholine structure due to the gale were simulated by 3D numerical model, based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). By means of numerical simulation it was conformed that features of upwelling space structure depend upon bottom topography in an area of observation, strength of wind velocity and its duration. The dependence of the
upwelling scenario on the Froude number was obtained.


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