The humanities and social science

The humanities and social science

History of Russia

Eparchial archiereis and clerical officers in the first half of the 19th century: an analysis of conflicts


This article considers the events of the synodal period in the history of Russian Church. In the first half of the 19th century, the formation of governmental bodies – eparchial consistories – was completed. Many consistories faced the opposition of archiereis who still resisted the church reform of Peter I.

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Nail manufacturing by the peasants of the Novgorod province in the second half of the 19th — the beginning of the 20th century


This article characterises the craft and determines its scale and place in the peasant economy. The author focuses on the role of buyers in the development of the craft and the influence of factory production on its dynamics.

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International history

On the development of the "Greater Finland" iIdeology


This article focuses on the role of Länsipohja and Ruija in the "Greater Finland" ideology. The growing interest in the closely related peoples in the 1920s became a prerequisite for the foundation of the Academic Karelia Society (AKS). The author addresses the activity of the AKS concerning Länsipohja and Ruija.

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Regional history


On the so-called "revolution" in the Polish historiography and its reception in Russia


This article scrutinises an episode unveiling the understanding of the causes of the fall of the Polish state in Russian and Polish historical science of the 19th century. The author revises some established concepts concerning the reception of the so called "revolution in the Polish historiography" in Russia.

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The transfer of the ownership of the objects of cultural heritage of the Kaliningrad region to the Russian Orthodox Church: the social and cultural aspects of the conflict


This article focuses on the factors having influenced the formation of the conscious attitude to the past of the Kaliningrad region in the local residents. The author shows that a special regional identity, which developed in the interaction with the unique cultural environment, requires a public discussion as decisions concerning the transfer of the ownership of cultural and historical objects to a religious organisation are made.

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The advantages and disadvantages of the logical approach to the argumentation modelling


This article considers the logical modelling of a set of arguments. The author shows that logic offers normative models, which impose the pre-set structure on the argumentation. The article introduces the notions of macro-, micro-, and mesostructure of argument sets as well as the notion of argumentation circle as a variety of the hermeneutic circle. The author determines the advantages and disadvantages of logical models.

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The logical models of the analytical generalisations and particularisations of concepts


This article examines the procedural structures of operations with concepts and offers the logical models of concept generalisation and particularisation, describes the types of operations, and determines the sources of logical fallacies of natural generalisations and particularisations.

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Political Science and Sociology

Small business developing the regional Identity: a case study in the Baltic Sea Region


This article compares the frequency of the use of the toponym 'Baltic' in the names of small enterprises in Baltic cities. The author draws conclusions on the role of small business in the development of regional identity in the Baltic Sea region and assesses the prospects for the formation of a regional business community in the Baltic region.

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Conferences and workshops
