Natural and medical sciences

2010 Issue №7

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The traces of Holocene events in the spore and pollen spectra of peat deposits in the southern part of the Kaliningrad Region



New data on the palaeoenvironment (vegetation and climate) in the southern part of the Kaliningrad Region were obtained through the processing of peat samples from Podlipovo peatland by means of pollen analysis. The results of the study indicate the prevalence of pine and birch forests in the early Holocene; the gradual introduction of broadleaved species occurred in the middle Holocene (the Atlantic). Fagus and Carpinus expansion in the sub-Boreal and sub-Atlantic affected the species composition of broadleaved forests; this period also saw the proliferation of broadleaved-coniferous forests. Pollen diagram was divided into 8 local pollen assemblage zones (LPAZ). The development of the bog was traced by means of peat macroremnants analysis.


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