Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Cognitive and discoursive aspects of linguistic research

The imperative as an expressive means of impact in Russian and English advertisements


The article is devoted to the function of imperative constructions as the means of impact in Russian and English social advertisements. It also deals with comparative analysis of imperative in the Russian and English languages and their cultural differences.

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The use of the passive construction and its synonymous speech forms in advertising discourse (based on the German language)


The article is devoted to the use of Passive Voice constructions in the modern advertising. The author analyses the use of various types of Passive and explores other forms of speech when it becomes possible to convey the Voice relations. The research has been conducted on the basis of the German advertising texts.

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Synergy character of the category "author" as an object of linguistic interpretation


The article dwells on the particularities of the author’s speech activity in a fictional text as a part the narrative discourse, the interpretative category of author being discussed in the logics of synergetics. In this synergetic mode, the most characteristic manifestations of the actualization in the text structure of synergetic interaction between two anthropocentric functional-semantic narrative systems — the  "primary" (author — reader — interpreter-critic) and the "secondary" (narrator — character) are described.

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The textual concept "the society of consumption" in the novel "99 francs" by Frederic Beigbeder


The article provides the analysis of the macroconcept structure of the "society of consumption" in the novel "99 Francs" by a contemporary French writer Frederic Beigbeder. The paper reveals the ideological role of advertising as a socio-cultural metaphor of the society in question, whose main characteristic features are anomie and callousness.

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Peculiarities of the figurative in the concept of "Time" in middle English


The article examines the most typical for Middle English metaphorical and metonymic shifts of meaning which represent figurative part of time concept. It is proved that the most frequent shifts are: time — event or state, time — traveler or moving object, space — time, time — master, time — system of measurement, time — grammatical category.

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Images of English giants: at the intersection of mythological traditions


The present paper describes the influence of Scandinavian, Celtic and Classical mythological traditions on the characters of giants in English folk tale discourse. The elements of archaic beliefs are represented in the inner form of nominations and attributes of folk tale giants. Borrowed motifs are subjected to varying degrees of transformation in folk tale discourse and depend upon cultural and historical development of the English ethnos.

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Mineralogical colour-denotings as the means of the author’s perception in the world poetic picture of M. Voloshin


Based on M. Voloshin’s poetic texts, the specificity of mineralogical colour-denotings functioning is considered as the means of the author’s perception;the semantic-aesthetic peculiarities of these lexemes realization are revealed;their role in the structuring of poetic images is determined.

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The usage and meanings of the intonation scales used in emphatic speech in modern British English (as compared with Russian)


The article deals with the usage and the meanings of the emphatic intonation scales of modern British English which are subdivided into two groups according to the object the speaker means to emphasize in his utterance. We also point out which of these scales may occur in the Russian language.

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Theory and practice of the professional training of linguists at the university

Understanding scientific texts on the basis of modelling semantic links: theoretical foundations of the conception


The paper explores linguistic, methodological and psycholinguistic aspects of scientific text modelling. These aspects relate to text units, intratexual links and elements of the model. The article also examines text forming functions of the sentence.

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The floor is given to young scientists

Core explicators of the modal meaning expressing certainty/uncertainty in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol and their equivalents in translation versions


The article deals with parentheses and particles as one of the ways of expressing certainty and uncertainty in Russian and their equivalents in English. The research is based on the poem by N. Gogol "Dead Souls" and its two translation versions.

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The competence building approach to the regionalization of the Bachelor of Linguistics training programme


The article is devoted to the issue of regionalization of the Bachelor of Linguistics programme organized according to the competence building approach. The article analyzes the thematic and the processual aspects of foreign language teaching in the regional context. It also describes the regional component in the structure of professional competence of the linguist.

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The derivative forms of personal names in Swedish antroponymics


The article is devoted to derivative forms of personal names in the Swedish tradition of giving names to individuals. The research is focused on explaining the following terms: short name, short form of a name, ‘pet name’, and diminutive form. Syncopation and affixal derivation are considered as the most frequent derivative models for personal names.

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Communicative semantics theories by A. F. Losev and Z. A. Vardzelashvili


The article deals with a comparative analysis of the foundations of the theory of invariant communicative interpretive semantics by the Russian scholar A. F. Losev and the semantic concept developed by Z. A. Vardzelashvili, professor of Tbilisi State University of Economics.

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Language: at the crossroads of scientific paradigms

Critical survey of some cognitive semantic theories in the dynamic semantic context by A. F. Losev


The article provides a critical analysis of some cognitive semantics theories, particularly the prototype theory and the theory of dynamic construal. It is stated that the source of the theory of dynamic conceptual semantics were formulated in the works by A. F. Losev and G. Guillaume’s mental grammar.

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Scientific life
