Natural and medical sciences

2011 Issue №7

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The comparative characteristics of Blackbird nest materials from natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Kaliningrad region



This paper offers a comparative characteristic of the blackbird nest materials of natural (n = 35) and antropogenic (n = 35) landscapes of the Kaliningrad region. The study did not reveal any considerable differences in the nest material composition in natural and antropogenic habitats. Most significant differences were identified in nest carcass materials. They are more diverse in
urban habitats; most frequent materials are phloem, bark, wood, grass shoots, flower buds, fruits, and antropogenic materials. The share of antropogenic materials on urban territories is 8,9 times higher than that in woodlands (t = 4,59, p < 0,001). The composition of nest lining is not that diverse. In woodlands, it consists predominantly of twigs and mosses.


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