Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

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‘Term memory’ and its varieties in the history of the genre nomination of English novel


The history of interaction between romance and novel reflects the richness and originality of English prose and contemporary theoretical reflections about the novel as a free-form and the semantics of its terminological definitions. This was enshrined in the dual terminological definition of novel in English literary studies as romance (stressing its genesis from chivalry romance) and novel (nominating the subsequent genre transformations).

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”What is the voice of truth?” The anagram in XVIII century French culture


The paper explores the history of the anagram phenomenon in the French culture of the XVIII century. The author considers tendencies in the development of literature inherited from the Baroque period, including the practice of creating pseudonyms by anagramming and using anagrams in satirical poetry. The reduction of anagrams to the level of the language game and the secondary nature of theorizing are the characteristic features of this century, when a break with the esoteric traditions of the past eras occurred.

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«Cultivate Your Garden»: Natural Existence Utopia of Enlightenment Man in Park and Garden Landscapes (on the Example of “Life and Adventures” by Andrei Bolotov)


This article considers the realisation of the Enlightenment landscape utopia on the example of the analysis of the evolution of utopian ideas by Andrei Bolotov in his autobiographical work “Life and Adventures”. The author of the article outlines the destruction of ‘natural state’ of a human being by the realities of the ‘Iron Age’ that followed the Enlightenment.

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A competency-based interpretation of professional education results: History and objectives


This article presents a brief analysis of the causes of transition to compe-tency interpretation of vocational education outcomes in Russia and abroad. The authors consider the interpretation of the basic categories of ‘competence’ and ‘competency’ in the education systems of the USA, the UK, Germany, France, and Russia, as well as the understanding of their structure and func-tion to improve the quality of educational outcomes and ensure harmonization with the economic development of the state.

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A glossary for a social educator-researcher-logician engaged in organisational and communicative activity with teenage twins in the system of supplementary education


This article features a glossary, which explains the phenomenon of twins and serves as a benchmark of social and professional activity for a pedagogical team or a supplementary education institution and will also be helpful for eve-ryone bringing up twins or communicating with them.

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A look in the past and the problems of modern mathematical education


This article considers the features of mathematical education in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. The focal point is the significance of children’s physical activity for the development of spatial perception and mathematical thinking. The author makes recommendations on the development of motivation in schoolchildren for studying mathematics and the use of interdisciplinary approach to developing mathematical thinking and arousing interest in acquiring mathematical knowledge.

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A study into the structure of academic and professional abilities of students of the life safety field of study


This article describes an integrated study into the cognitive-intellectual and cognitive-motor components of students' abilities. The research is aimed at the development and implementation of a principally new technique of complex psychodiagnostics of academic and professional abilities of students of the Life Safety field of study, the mathematical and statistical elaboration of their structure, and the targeted formation of the core components of these abilities in order to develop "human capital" and professional competence in students.

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A theoretical and methodological framework for the cognitive approach to word formation studies


The present-day stage of scientific knowledge is characterized by a shift of research aims in different scientific spheres to the cognitive aspects of linguistic phenomena. The cognitive approach to research on word-formation processes is supported by many linguists; however, still being insufficiently developed, it requires a systematization of new methodological tools. The author presents her own vision of the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive word formation studies.

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Adrian the Undertaker (the subtexts and pretexts of Nikolai Kononov’s novel The Flaneur)


This article examines the multilanguage anagrammatic code of N. Kononov’s novel Flaneur. The authors offer an interpretation of the epigraph to the novel and identify a number of antiquity reminiscence in the text. The article focuses on the parallels between A.S. Pushkin’s short story “The Undertaker” and the novel Flaneur.

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Aesthetic sensitivity as a fundamental of the modelling the creative development process in children aged 2-5 years


This article provides an overview of the integrated model for developing creativity in children aged 2—5 years based on the principle of upward spiral dynamics. The role of aesthetic sensitivity as the principal structural compo-nent of the mode is analysed from the perspective of cultural and historical psychology and cognitive science.

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Age-related dynamics of competence formation in social work


The article analyses the formation of social competences in the field of education and social work in Kaliningrad. The author identifies performance indicators according to age and the dynamics of competence formation in representatives of three age groups. The three age groups analyzed demonstrate significant differences in both the overall competence as such and its individual components. The results of the research can be used in education, in the work with asocial adolescents and in the resocialization of family members in difficult life situations.

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An empirical study of trust between the agents of educational space in Russia and Poland


This work focuses on trust between the agents of educational space at Ka-liningrad school No. 32 and the Gdansk Gedanensis School. The authors identify the patterns of assessing students trust in teachers at all stages of school education. The article analyses the level of adolescents’ trust in teachers and parents at the Kaliningrad and Polish schools. The features of assessing the Polish and Russian teachers’ trust in students and parents are identified. The authors examine the students’ and teachers’ ideas of trust placed in them by other people

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Author's modality as a text forming category (posing the problem)


This article considers the contentious issue of author's modality as one of the central categories of a text. The authors state their position on the structural-functional correlation of author's modality, subjective modality and axiological modality and define the features of the intracategorial relations of author's modality.

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Building a model of terminological fields on an example of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field


This paper is the second one in the series of three papers dealing the modeling of terminological fields. The present paper deals with the practical application of the author’s method for modeling terminological fields (developed in the previous paper) to a particular terminological system to prove its efficiency. The “Pelvis injuries” terminological field is picked as an object of modeling because both its lexical content and structure are poorly conceived in many subject-related textbooks. As the result of analysis of this terminological field, some of its characteristic features are revealed; they are taken into consideration during the process of modeling the field. The model of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field is built in three stages because the field consists of three lexical-semantic groups of terms. All three stages of modeling are identical: according to the previously developed method, the first step gives the description of the lexical base of each lexico-semantic group using the thesaurus approach. The second step describes the structure of each lexico-semantic group with the help of elements ordering its lexical composition; these elements are distinguished on the basis of differential semes identified by applying the method of component analysis. The third step is a graphical representation of each lexico-semantic group in the form of a tree-like graph consisting of elements of two types — terms and units structuring them. As a result, we get three graphs representing each of the three lexical-semantic groups. After merging the three graphs in one, the model of the “Pelvis injuries” terminological field is built. Representing the field in such a way allows it to create its computer model for further evaluation of students’ professional knowledge.

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Business letter in the system of regional documents in the middle of the 18th century


The development of the business letter as a separate type of documents is the issue the present article focuses on. The material for the study is collected in the Volgograd Oblast State Archive (Fund 332, Inventory 1). The linguistic and documentary analysis of business letters dating back to the middle of the 18th century, when Cossack administrative entities incorporated into the state social-and-political system of Russia, was carried out. It was aimed at determining the status of business letters in the local system of documents. There have been identified several indicators of business letter consistency, like its self-designation, the direction of communication, capability of initiation, inclusion into a particular group of documents on the basis of their function. Within the system of business correspondence, which existed in the offices of the Don Cossack Army, business letters were informing and regulatory documents that accompanied the process of investigation, provided multi-level business communication (from a superior to an inferior, from an inferior to a superior, between equal-status communicants). The business letter is established to occupy a peripheral position in the system of the Don Army documents, because, despite obtaining unity in some form features, it was still an underdeveloped document type. It was manifested in irregular self-designation, variable directions of communication, and capability of initiation implementation options; the combination of functions, as well as lack of specific differentiation between the letter and the donoshenije (report), reflected in the available documents.

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Colour symbolism in the Russian and English languages


The article focuses on the symbolism of colour terms in European languages. The authors explore and analyze similarities and differences in the use of particular colours as symbols in fixed colour collocations in Russian and English. This analysis helps to establish common microsystems of symbolic meanings in both languages.

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Compounds in Fyodor Ivanov’s texts (based on «A letter…» and «A petition…» of 1666)


This article draws a connection between compounds, on the one hand, and the general meaning of two documents from the manuscript legacy of an ideologist of the mid-17th-century Russian Orthodox schism and his worldview, on the other. The study aims to consider through the prism of dia­chronic linguistic personology the texts authored by the dyak Fedor Ivanov. The content of the article is a product of its methodology, namely, continuous sampling, using which 193 with several roots were obtained; context analysis; and interpretation. From the perspective of historical linguistics, preliminary results include establishing the meaning of three units that were absent in his­torical lexicography and revealing chronological usage of another word. From the perspective of diachronic personology, the main finding is the fragmentary reconstruction of Ivanov’s worldview, using linguistic devices and text refer­ences. It is concluded that the first roots of compounds partially reflect the se­mantic structure present in the two texts.

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Conceptual metonymy of the structure of the utterance


The author analyses examples from the English language and, based on their analysis, investigates the mechanism of conceptual metonymy reflected in the syntactic structure of the utterance. Conceptual metonymy is considered as a factor determining the structure of the utterance describing a fragment of reality. The author explores models of metonymic transfers, in which spatial relations act as the source domain, and identifies types of situations, which are metonymically represented as the location and movement of the object in space.

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Critical survey of some cognitive semantic theories in the dynamic semantic context by A. F. Losev


The article provides a critical analysis of some cognitive semantics theories, particularly the prototype theory and the theory of dynamic construal. It is stated that the source of the theory of dynamic conceptual semantics were formulated in the works by A. F. Losev and G. Guillaume’s mental grammar.

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Development of quasi-symbols based on connotations of verbal units meanings


The article verifies the assumption that connotations of verbal sememes can serve as the basis for the development of a quasi-symbol meaning. A qua­si-symbol is an element of an intermediate, linguocultural system, generated as a result of close interaction between language and culture. While a symbol is a sign of culture that expresses some idea in an imperative manner, a quasi-symbol is a type of symbol that has a verbal nature. The study has objectified connotations based on the semantics of secondary nomination signs and has shown that connotations, regardless of their nature, are culturally marked. They reflect the picture of the world developed in a certain linguistic culture. Culture chooses a language unit to express its meanings, giving it new cul­tural functions. The unit is chosen due to the connotations included in the composition of its sememes. In the process of transferring a verbal unit into a cultural system, connotations are moved to the nuclear part of the new sem­eme of the cultural sign. Thus, cultural knowledge is transferred to the lan­guage system, and then verbal signs are transferred to the culture system. Since the cultural intent of the quasi-symbol is modeling the behavior of the interpreter, the development of symbols is based on connotations that reflect cultural attitudes, ideologies, and norms.

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Diachronic changes in the system of adversary conjunctions of the French language


The article analysies complex and ambiguous historical processes in the system of adversative сoordinators at the early stage of the development of the French language (IX—XVI centuries). After having analyzed the data of the Old and Middle French subcorpuses of the French National Corpus Frantext with distributive, functional-semantic, logical-semantic and contextual in­struments and the transformation method, the author established quantitative and qualitative changes in the system of adversative сoordinators in the indi­cated periods. It is revealed that the gradual disappearance of the сoordinator ainz 'but', the growth of the use of the сoordinator mais 'but' and the emer­gence of new units with a specialized adversative meaning seulement 'only', néanmoins 'for all that', nonobstant 'despite', cependant 'meanwhile', tou­tefois 'however, nevertheless', au contraire 'on the contrary', pourtant 'howe­ver' are interdependent processes and reflect the growing tendency to­wards analyticism in the language. Two non-identical ways of using new ad­ver­sa­tive units are established, which are functional equivalents of the adver­sa­ti­ve сoordinator mais ‘but’. The author defines the assimilation of the se­mantic and combinable properties of new units to the adversative сoordinator mais ‘but’ (a combination of two components, the content of which is either opposed or modified). New units with an adversative meaning can act as con­cretizers of the сoordinator mais ‘but’ in the Middle French language.

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East on the “mental map” of 18th century English essayists: The imagological aspect


This article attempts to identify the dominant oriental hetero-images of the eighteenth-century English essays. It deals with the imagological structures of the oriental essay, by means of which the author outlines the main oriental constructs on the Englishmen’s «mental map» as artistic methods of opening up the literary space of the era.

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Education and the destiny of Russia


This article considers the interrelation between education, its structure, and the country's economic development. The following historical facts are analysed: the loss of Great Power status by Spain, the emergence of England as a leader of global economy, and the situation in Russia. The analysis is conducted in the light of the specific character of educational system in each of the above-mentioned countries.

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Effective models of national and regional educational space development


This article considers effective models of interaction between social and cultural institutions that can be used in developing a common educational space of the CIS countries. Of special significance are the models that involve public organizations. Through establishing mutual connections, domain models create more complex globule structures. Network projects initiated within globules and involving different domains contribute to the emergence of a selfdeveloping common space.

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Electronic portfolio in the system of pedagogical education as an element of the digital educational environment


Modern trends in education and educational policy are associated with a greater involvement of students in the digital learning environment through the creation and active use of electronic teaching materials. The article analyzes the place of the digital learning environment in the system of teacher training. The term "digital learning environment" is defined through the categories of "space", "subjectness", "learner’s identity", "information system", "interaction", "professional learning ability". The author discusses the specific principles of implementing digital learning environments in a new educational architecture. These principles determine the transition to microformats, to interaction and free choice of educational formats, taking into account personalized learning trajectories, to collaborative project and creative activity, to integrative multi-dimensional means of testing and control. The author concludes that while the learning environment objectively acquires the characteristics of the digital environment, it integrates the value-motivational, refleсtive, and emotional mechanisms of identity development in the learning process. In the system of higher pedagogical education, the electronic portfolio becomes an integral part of the educational process organization.

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Emotional interaction between mothers and emotionally exitable children of six years of age


The article studies the emotional interaction between mothers and emotionally excitable children at the age of six. The importance of psychological support for mothers is described. The author analyses the results of empirical research and mathematical processing of data based on the questionnaire of parent-child emotional interaction proposed by E. I. Zakharova, the diagnosis of emotional relationships in the family test by Bine-Anthony, and the picture of the family projective technique. The author analyses 24 subjects. Of these, there are 12 mothers, and 12 children of pre-school age. The obtained results can be used for the development of psychological support programmes for mothers and emotionally excitable children to balance their emotional interaction in the family.

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Eschatological intertexts in E.Wichert’s report from “Dead forest”


The authors analyse the complex genre specificity of the art report “Der Totenwald”, written by Ernst Wiechert after his imprisonment in Buchenwald concentration camp. Three basic intertextual links of this text with Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, Dostoevsky’s “The House of the Dead” and “Revelation of John” are considered. The authors emphasize the issue of two disjunctive ontologies, forming two fundamental cultural codes of the artistic process in the culture of Germany and Russia.

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Ethnic identity of students as a determinant of their understanding of other cultural groups


The article highlights the problem of interaction between representatives of different cultures, which is influenced by their social representations and ethnic identity. The aim of the work was to analyze the content of students' social ideas about members of other cultures in the context of ethnic identity. In this paper, the authors rely on the theory of social representations and the concept of ethnic identity. This article presents the results of a study on the impact of Russian students’ ethnic identity on their social perceptions of students of Chinese, Tajik, Armenian, Kazakh and Russian cultures, emphasizes the dependence of the type of ethnic identity on such a parameter as social distance. Also, the authors provide a list of actions which may contribute to a positive ethnic identity and adequate social perception of members of other cultures, which can diminish a number of interethnic interaction problems.

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Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty


Based on the materials of the handwritten Vesti-Kuranty newspaper, this article analyses the functional significance of evaluative lexis — adjective, adverbs, and nouns with subjective modal meanings conveying expressive emotional reactions of the author of a newspaper text to the described histori-cal events, as well as the temper and actions of its participants.

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Evolution of Andrey Bolkonsky’s axiological worldview in Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace


This article examines the value system hierarchy of one of the novel’s central characters, who is often considered a ‘projection’ of the author’s personality. Oppositions emerging in the character’s mind (war/peace, lie/truth, earth/sky, greatness/worthlessness, glory/vanity), which are identified in the course of analysis, make it possible to track changes in the character’s worldview and its evolution along his way to harmony.

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Exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage: on the problem of terminology (on the basis of A. S. Makarenko's oeuvre)


This article identifies the specific features of processes of exploration and development of classical pedagogical heritage on the basis of history of development of A. S. Makarenko's heritage as a social pedagogue-reformer in the context of description of social pedagogical initiative and formal pedagogy. The author emphasises the parallelism of the two factors, their non-linear and cyclic character, interdependence and interaction within the processes of exploration and development of A. S. Makarenko’s heritage in Soviet pedagogy.

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Features of the implementation of the ACCESS international project in the Kaliningrad region based on the principles of inclusive education


The implementation of the English Access Microscholarship Program (ACCESS) in the Kaliningrad region is based on the principles of inclusive education. It makes the study of the English language more accessible to ado-lescents from an economically disadvantaged background and children with special needs. A greater sensitivity to cultural differences, coupled with the acquired language skills, enable the participants to take advantage of opportu-nities that had previously been unavailable to them.

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Feelings, emotions, sensations: On the representativeness of mental states in the Russian language


This article is devoted to the lexis of the Russian language denoting mental states. The study of the words and their functions rests on the psychological interpretation and classification of mental states. The author describes how a person’s mental life is expressed as a system of interacting and interdependent mental states in the language picture of the world. The semantics and history of the words chuvstvo, etmotsiya, and oschuschenie are investigated. It is concluded that the words chuvstvo and chuvstvovat have priority over the other lexical choices.

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Formation of Ferdinand de Saussure's authentic terminological system


This article is devoted to the terminological analysis of F. de Saussure's 1872—1911 authentic texts. A component analysis makes it possible to identify the characteristics of formation of general linguistic terms. It is established that F. de Saussure's terminology (118 preterms) is based on existing lexical units of different systems. Tectological mechanisms transformed Saussure’s terminology into a linguistic terminological system consisting of 36 scientific terms.

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From ekphrasis to autobiography (Nikolay Kononov’s story “Svetotomia”)


The article reveals peculiarities of representation of the autobiographical topos in N. Kononov’s short story “Svetotomia” that is present implicitly in each work of the writer. In this short story, the autobiographical discourse is represented via the painting and photography code. The authors emphasize the significance of the concepts of “life” and “death” and reveal their mythopoetic semantics of cycle and mutual transition. Ekphrastic descriptions are both ex­plicit and implicit in Kononov’s short story. The authors conclude that in “Svetotomia”, the text produces ekphrasis and at the same time, ekphrasis shapes the plot, and painting and photography create autobiography.

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From financial literacy to financial culture


This article stresses the need to develop a financial culture across the society. The authors analyse the results of surveys demonstrating a low level of financial literacy and competency in Russia’s population. It is necessary to create a financial culture, which is an important factor in the national longterm development and socioeconomic growth. The authors identify the areas of research and practice that can contribute to the development of a financial culture.

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Functional and communicative aspects of the analysis of sen­tence models: model and (con) text


The paper considers the main schools of communicative-functional analy­sis model of the sentence, the most significant function of which is determin­ing interrelation between semantic and syntactic organization of the sentence and the context (text, discourse, communicative register, functional style etc.) it is functioning in. The importance in the primary text analysis is headlined, considering contribution in its semantic structure of semantic models. The authors also give and interpreted some results of the analysis of the represen­tation of structural-semantic types of sentences in texts belonging to different functional-style varieties of the Russian language.

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Generative linguistics by N. Chomsky in the world language study


The article focuses upon the impact of Noam Chomsky’s ideas of generative linguistics on Grammar, Phonology, Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics as well as the role of his theory in the modern paradigm of language knowledge.

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Griphonyms as a subject of linguistic research


The article examines specific lexical units called grifonyms which are functioning in the texts of fantasy video games. A new term ‘grifonyms’ refers to nominations of characters created by the imagination of game developers and having no analogues in reality. Obligatory and optional features of griphonyms are revealed, their systematization and classification are carried out. The authors highlight the semantic features and analyze the structural components of grifonyms. The dependence of the formation of nominations of game characters on the temporal factor is established.

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Historical development of the Pomor North Lexicography: a comparative analysis of the three translation dictionaries


The article describes three dictionaries compiled by three outstanding mariners who explored the Pomor North: the “Dictionary of Muscovites” compiled by the French navigator Jean Sauvage in 1586, the “Small Russian- Norwegian dictionary” written in 1907 by polar captain Alexander Kuchin and the “English-Russian Maritime Dictionary” of the Soviet sailor Fedor Shchepetov from Arkhangelsk. A detailed comparative analysis of these sources permits to illustrate different periods of the lexicographical activity in the Pomor North. The three dictionaries were compiled by the people who had got involved in translation and intercultural communication through their professional activities, as they needed specialized dictionaries for work. This influenced the selection of the vocabulary, information structuring, grammatical labels and comments. The revealed deviations from the modern lexicographic requirements shed light on the compilation process and personal professional experience of the compilers. The methodology of this research is based on a diachronic approach to studying the development of specialized maritime glossaries in the 16th and 20th centuries. The research is conducted within the frameworks of integrative translation and linguistic regional studies as a continuation of the project “History of Translation on the Pomor North” supported by the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation.

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Identification of intonation and emotions of the native language in vocal melody perception


The issue of interrelation between vocal music and native language intonation has constantly been arousing academic interest among intonation researchers. As a form of language existence, vocal music reveals specific tonal features that imply communicative and emotive meanings perceived via the human auditory faculty. A vocal-music utterance is intonationally correlated with samples of oral speech, this fact proving intonological essence of the considered phenomenon, whose systemic studies have only recently started. This paper describes an attempt to obtain factual data on the character of intonational correlation of national vocal music to the native language. The experiment was based on psycholinguistic approach and was performed by means of perceptive analysis. The author presents the concept of intonational percept of the Russian folk song by the native speakers. The concept has been tested in a number of tests on traditional folk songs perception. The findings of the psycholinguistic experiment prove the existence of a common invariant of the intonational percept of vocal folklore with all the representatives of a language community. This enables them to recognize a vocal tune as belonging to their native language intonationally, differentiate it from foreign tunes, and identify its emotive meanings.

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Idiomaticity of translation as assessive category


This article will clarify the use of the term “idiomaticity” in its evaluative meaning in relation to translation. Idiomaticity is considered from the point of view of compliance with the norm of usage as a category that ensures the naturalness of translated discourse. The example of translated texts will be used to show the results of the translator’s ability or inability to switch codes in an idiomatic mode. With the help of introspection and corpus data, an attempt will be made to clarify the nature of cognitive failures arising from non-compliance with the accepted norms and defeated expectations in the perception of a translated text. The opposition “idiomatic” — “non-idiomatic” can be considered appropriate and sufficient in evaluating the quality of translation.

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Implications of J. L. Holland’s theory: applicability of RIASEC structure and assessment to English language teachers of the Kaliningrad region


This paper sets out to examine empirical implications of J. L. Holland’s theory relevant to the applicability of the RIASEC model’s structure and Holland-based assessments of 240 English Language teachers of the Kaliningrad region. The results proved to be mixed but somewhat more supportive of the applicability of Holland-based RIASEC structure for assessing vocational needs of Russian foreign language teachers.

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In memory of L. M. Skrelina dedicated. G. Guillaume theory of linguistics and its impact on the scientific paradigm of language knowledge of the XXI century


The article focuses upon the impact of G. Guillaume ideas of mentalism on modern linguistics and the role of his theory in the modern paradigm of language knowledge.

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Inclusive education: barriers for implementation and psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful realization


The article draws attention to the problem of inclusive education of disa­bled students. The analysis of statistical data, as well as research in the field of inclusive education in different regions of Russia (Moscow, Kaluga, Kostro­ma, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Samara regions and the Caucasus) show that there are barriers to the implementation of inclusive education in Russia. These bar­riers are: negative attitudes towards the introduction of inclusion, low level of public awareness, social stereotypes; lack of and limited research in this area. On the basis of the identified barriers of inclusive education, an attempt has been made to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of inclusive education.

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Inclusive educational space: A SWOT analysis


This article considers education as a phenomenon of inclusive educational space. The notion of “inclusive educational space” is defined, its general and specific characteristics are outlined, and the principles of organizing an inclusive educational space are formulated. Special attention is paid to the results of a SWOT-analysis that made it possible to identify the hierarchy of opportunity and threat positioning in inclusive educational space within corresponding matrices and develop strategies for using the strengths in grasping opportunities and mitigating threats. The authors also describe specific stages of strategy implementation.

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Individual and typological features of female convicts


The article is dedicated to research on individual and typological features of female convicts. Mentally-deviated and drug-addicted female convicts participated in the study as respondents. The results obtained allow speaking about the similarity of individual and typological characteristics of mentallydeviated and drug-addicted female convicts, which should be taken in account in psychic treatment in penal colonies.

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Initiative as a type of document


The article is dedicated to identifying factors that determine the documental specificity of an initiative. An initiative is characterized as a document aimed at engaging the addressee in solving a socially significant issue and convincing them of the necessity of societal changes.

The analysis of the text is conducted using a genre-based approach and the parameteriza­tion methodology based on the concept of a "genre model," allowing for a comprehensive de­scription that takes into account parameters determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The specificity of the analysis model concerning documental text is noted, along with the multivector and multilevel nature of relationships among its parameters, such as "com­mu­nication subjects" ("sender" and "receiver"), "function," "information," "modality," "struc­ture," "space," and "time."

Three levels of hierarchy of parameters are distinguished, determining their significance as genre-forming elements. It is established that the features of first-level parameters, such as the collectivity of the sender and the dual nature of the receiver, the unity of initiative func­tions in informing and influencing, determine the specificity of second-level parameters — the heterogeneous modality and unregulated structure of the text; third-level parameters — "space" and "time" — are expressed by individual attributes and are not significant for this type of document.

The means of speech representation of the main genre-forming parameters, such as "communication subjects" ("sender" and "receiver"), "function," "information," "modali­ty," and "structure," are characterized.

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Integrated approach to the event frame analysis


The author analyses different approaches to the conceptualization of events in cognitive science, describes the types of events and their structure. Special attention is given to the integration of the frame analysis tools and corpora data and the opportunities this combination presents for analyzing the process of event conceptualization. The author explores the structure of an event frame and studies its frame–frame relations.

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Introduction of Competence Approach and Optimization of Education Process in Professional Education Manager Training


The article considers the competence approach introduction as one of the priorities and main features of education modernisation. The author outlines methods and activities aimed at the competence approach introduction to education process, considers a model of students’ independent work. A concrete example is drawn to show the specificity of the competence training of students
of the “Business Administration” field of study in the framework of the “Fundamentals of Management” discipline.

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Language as a person's achievement and as a self-organizing system


The article explores the basic properties of language as a person’s achieve­ment. The author proceeds from the interpretation of language pro­posed by L. V. Shcherba and A. A. Zalevskaya, in which language is represent­ed as a so­cio-personal continuum of linguistic phenomena of different ontolo­gy. The pur­pose of the article is to describe the basic properties of human lan­guage as a complex self-organizing system of processes. Active and subjective character of reality and knowledge representation in human mind determines the main pro­perties of language. The author offers a definition of language correspond­ing to this approach and describes the differences between anthro­pocentrism and anthropomorphism in linguistics. The author investigates the role of ‘hu­man factor’ in the analysis of different linguistic phenomena.

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Linguistic aspects of the treatise by Abel Mathieu «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559)


The article deals with the corpus of problems reflected in the first edition of Abel Matthieu’s «Devis de la langue francoyse» (1559). Author’s views on the actual for the French renaissance problems in linguistic tradition, such as the origin of language, it’s defense and illustration, interpretation of foreign texts are studied. The particular attention is paid to Abel Matthieu’s attempts to prove the self-sufficiency of French language.

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Literary text as a pedagogical tool of developing a future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language


The article is devoted to the preparation of students of economics for professional communication. The author proposes the principles of text selection for foreign language classes. The paper also considers some ways of developing the future economist’s business culture while learning a foreign language.

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Memory phenomenon in the German literary criticism after 1989


This paper focuses on different theories proposed by German literary scholars currently addressing the concept of "memory", and reconsider the role of literature as a medium for keeping and transferring cultural legacy through space and time. It is discovered that literature-as-a-medium and memories are interconnected. It is also demonstrated how reading evokes spe-cific memories and forms a certain image of the past.

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Mental lexicon and language consciousness: similaritiea and discrapencies in research methodology


The article discusses the similarities and differences between the research methodology of the mental lexicon and language consciousness. Most studies of language consciousness do not differ in any significant way from studies of the mental lexicon, and this is not recognized or is hushed up by their authors. The problem of their differentiation is connected with the definition of language consciousness. The author of the article defines it as a psycholinguistic concept that shows how the internal and external factors for the functioning of a language as a human property are associated with changes in the meanings and senses of linguistic signs. This definition gives way to comparative psycholinguistic research, in which the comparison is based on the nature of the activities that representatives of different groups carry out regularly. Studies on language consciousness are similar to studies on mental lexicon in experimental procedures for obtaining empirical material and differ from them in general methodological principles arising from the definition of this concept, and in procedures for processing and theoretical analysis of empirical material. To distinguish itself from mental lexicon research, 1) language consciousness research must be comparative; 2) the comparison should be carried out on activities that are regular for at least one of the compared groups; 3) empirical material should be selected in such a way that it reflects the features of linguistic phenomena caused by this particular activity; 4) empirical material should be analyzed in such a way that identifies a regular (i. e. not random) influence on it from regular activities and personal assessment.

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Merezhkovsky and F. Sologub: Gogol's imprint in the dialogue about poshlost’


This article analyzes the dialogue between D. S. Merezhkovsky and Fedor Sologub that showed their vision of “poshlost’” (vulgarity, banality), which in turn had been informed by the legacy of N. V. Gogol. The author traces the analogies in the artistic depiction of poshlost’ by Sologub in his novel “The Petty Demon” (1905) and the critical interpretation of the phenomenon of poshlost’ by Merezhkovsky. The connection between Merezhkovsky’s study “Gogol and the Devil” (1906) and “The Coming Kham” (1906) is also shown. Sologub’s reaction to the article “The Coming Kham” is noted, that shows that he considered the works by Merezhkovsky as the development of issues raised in the novel “The Petty Demon”.

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Metaphorisation as a pattern of term formation in Russian and English within the semantic field “Insurance”


Term formation is viewed through the cognitive linguistics paradigm. The term is characterized as a semeiotic model correlating with a certain cognitive discourse pattern. Metaphorisation is defined as the nomination pattern. In the following article we tried to pick out the major cognitive characteristics of the term formation within the semantic field «Insurance» as it is represented in Russian and English insurance glossaries.

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Modality as a communicative category: Some debatable aspects of research


This article considers the theoretical problems of modality that do not have an unambiguous interpretation in modern research literature as a functional-semantic and communicative category. These are the issues of the legitimacy and adequacy of identifying subjective and objective modality, the specific features of interaction between objective and subjective modalities in the language and text in view of the communicative orientation, and the function and genre of the latter.

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Modular principle of teaching the students of the non-lingual university foreign business communication


Factors determining the diversification of purposes of teaching a foreign language in conditions of the two-stage system of higher education
are considered in the article. A model of the multi-aspect teaching foreign business communication in the non-lingual university is presented.

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Motivating students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the field of services to participate in sport


This article focuses on motivating students of secondary vocational edu-cation institutions in the field of services to participate in sport both as part of the curriculum and as an extracurricular activity. The author stresses the significance of physical education for the development of psychophysical pre-paredness of a medium-level specialists in the field of services. Analysis of sci-entific literature and a survey of students were used to study the current situation at the College of Entrepreneurship in the Kaliningrad region.

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Musical analogies and poetics of H. Broch’s novel «The Death of Virgil»


The article establishes the boundaries of the musical analogy in the comments of H. Broch to the novel «Death of Virgil». In the novel, musicality is associated with the motives of ‘voice’ and ‘hearing’. Noting the propensity to onomatopoeia in the work of J. Joyce, H. Broch aims to depict the music of human speech. By doing so, he follows the prevailing tendencies in the music art of the beginning of the 20th century, reviving interest in vocal genres (cantata, oratorios).

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Non-formal educational practices in the domestic history of adult education


The article focuses on the place and the role of non-formal educational practices in the development of adult education in Russia. Non-formal educa-tional practices are considered as a way of educational interaction, which has preserved the basic parameters of humanity. They are updated in periods of significant historical changes, as resource support for social reconstruction. Today, the practice of non-formal adult education is in demand primarily as a resource for development of human potential and it has a direct impact on the socio-economic development of the country.

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Non-standard problems in competence-based mathematics teaching


The authors analyse various types of non-standard tasks, identifies their main characteristics related to the formation of cognitive competence in mathematical education. The article explores ways of solving heuristic, research, and creative problems. A comprehensive approach to the definition of the nonstandard task is proposed. The proposed structure of the problem is based on the following scheme: content — form of presentation — process of solving — result. The authors give examples of mathematical problems that can be defined as non-standard ones.

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On the competence approach to the development of “Psychology of health” master’s programme at IKBFU


This article is explains the need to develop a new master’s programme — “Psychology of health — as well as to identify the competences of its graduates in the sphere of formation, preservation, and recovery of health. The new master’s programme is being developed in the framework of the Programme for the Development of IKBFU.

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On the connection between the phenomena of corporeity and welfare in the adolescent self-awareness


This article considers two phenomena of adolescent self-adolescence: the awareness of one's bodily experience and psychological well-being. The author puts forward a hypothesis that these phenomena might be connected. An empirical study helps identify three groups of test persons: those with vital, conformal, and personal reflection types of bodily capacities. The article emphasizes the positive relation between the level of bodily capacity awareness and the level of general psychological well-being.

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On the dynamics of mathematical information forms in training of air navigation students on


This article deals with the role of mathematical information in teaching. The author emphasizes the need for the development of informational and activity mobility. The author offers an excerpt from students’ individual work triggering the activity component of informational mobility.

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On the models of modern research and education pol-icy in the Baltic region states


This article provides a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of education policies pursued by the governments of Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The authors identify similarities and differences in the funding mechanisms, direction of reforms, the role of education system modernization in the innovative development of the Baltic Sea region, and the mechanisms of technological development through introducing innovations in education and science. The general education policy trend in these countries shows that most of public investment is allocated to universi-ties and newly formed joint research centers. The authors study the case of strategic planning at the I. Kant Baltic Federal University.

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Peculiarities of the use of agonality in American political discourse (on the texts of election speeches of D. Trump and J. Biden in 2020)


The article provides a comparative and collation analysis of the linguistic specificity of election speeches of J. Biden and D. Trump in 2020. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic means of agonality functioning in the texts. This study views agonality as a type of communication of the opposing parties when trying to achieve superiority in a political contest.

The results of the study show that the means of agonality used in the election speeches of the presidential candidates contribute to the decrease of the opponent’s authority, as a result of the use of appropriate strategies and inherent tactics relevant within the political discourse semantics.

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Practical classes in mathematics as a means to develop the research competence in students of technical universities


The article is devoted to the formation of research competence in technical university students in accordance with the requirements of relevant federal state educational standards. The authors focus on the preparedness of future engineers to conduct technical experiments, whose important component is the mathematical processing of experimental data and performance of simulation experiments. It is proposed to develop such skills during practical classes in mathematics considered as a means to develop research competences.

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Problems of linguistics as presented in university textbooks


This article analyses university textbooks on introduction to linguistics. The most commonplace textbook topics present a comprehensive overview of the main problems of linguistics. Yet, many confine themselves to a system-structural approach to language, neglecting or superficially addressing linguistic issues that became a priority at the turn of the 21st century. The topics most frequently covered include the essence of language, language levels, language as a system of signs, the origin of language, language and society, writing systems, languages of the world and the laws of language development, each explored in more than a third of the analysed textbooks. In addition, the following topics are occasionally raised: applied problems of linguistics, linguistic methods, speech and communication, language and thinking, history of linguistics, linguistics among other sciences and the comparative historical method. None of the textbooks, however, provide a rationale for introducing the topics in the selected order. Questions and assignments aiding in consolidating the knowledge are an uncommon occurrence, as are linguistic tasks. Most textbooks expect students to merely read, memorise and reformulate the material for seminars or exams without engaging in other activities. These and other problems of the course Introduction to Linguistics stem from a notable lack of discussion of its content and teaching methods in scientific periodicals. Discussing the general, rather than specific, issues related to the content and teaching of the course is essential for teaching it effectively in current conditions. This approach would also help unify educators teaching this course into a cohesive community with shared challenges and goals.

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Professional conflict as an object of pedagogical research


This article deals with the phenomenon of a professional conflict, offering a classification of professional conflicts and justifying the lines of pedagogical activity aimed at the preparation of a professional for managing professional conflicts.

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Propositional nominant as a special type of a language sign


The article shows why we single out the propositional nominant as a special type of a language sign. The nomination process of functionally structured events is considered in onomasiological strategy. The interpretation of the problem stated in this article's title is carried out on the base of functionally structured sign with the signified as a simple sentence with a verbal predicate.

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Psychology of dreams about the future


This article focuses on the particularities of prophetic dreams, namely, the a priori awareness of the prophetic nature of the dream and its semantics, possible individuality of image semantics, deformation of the temporal sequence of the dream and related event, rootedness in the emotional, and the genetic ability to have prophetic dreams. The study is based on K. Jung’s theory of the unconscious and concept of synchronicity.

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Psychomotor development as the main aspect of psychological and pedagogic support of primary school children


The article examines the causes of academic failure in school: lack of background, operational and controlling components of learning activity; it presents “The Space of Development” innovation psychological and pedagogic programme, which bases on the modern concepts of ontogenetic regularities of brain and body formation and development of a child. The authors present the
results of statistical analysis of the efficiency of prophylactic components introduction into first-grade pupil support programme and prove positive changes in Higher Mental Functions formation in the experimental group.

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Quality of professional education in an information society


This paper presents a new approach to increasing the quality of profes-sional education in view of students’ personal characteristics affecting educa-tion results in an information society and considers the experience of its prac-tical application using special software. The authors propose a model and methodology for personalizing professional education making it possible to take into account the conditions of university training that are changing in an information society.

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Reflections on the dictionary of an integral type


The article focuses on the issue of an integral word description in dictionaries. The principle of integrity implies that the most complete information about a word is included in its dictionary entry. The word is an independent two-sided and multifunctional unit of a language, respectively, it raises the issue of the amount and type of information about the lexical unit in the dictionaries of an integral type. The author of the article offers a solution to this problem. The proposed model of the integral dictionary is designed to embody the following ideas of modern lexicography: 1) the semantic principle of vocabulary organization, 2) the multidimensional description of the word, 3) the inclusion of encyclopedic, cultural, linguistic, and, if necessary, historical information, following the compex description principle, (4) “live” word functioning principle, i. e. the functional approach.

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Reminiscences of Russian culture in A. S. Byatt’s novel The Children’s Book


Having considered one of the interviews, given by A. S. Byatt, the author concludes that the writer’s attitude to Russia is largely mediated by the Russian literature from Dostoevsky and Tolstoy to Pelevin. The researcher brings forward the problem of mythologization and demythologization of the image of Russia, and stresses the fact, that the fictional (Tatarinov) and real (Stepnyak, Kropotkin) images of Russian anarchists are given in the perception of the British. The author comes to the conclusion that the reminiscences of Russian culture do not so much support the national myth as they reveal the state of European culture on the eve of the First World War. The author focuses on the references to the Russian tomb (Raca or reliquary) at the beginning of the novel and Diaghilev’s ballet “Petrushka” in the last part. These reminiscences are closely related to Europe (England — Gloucester candelabrum, Germany — music by Richard Wagner, puppet theater). Therefore, raca (reliquary) is only supposedly called “Russian,” and the names of the creators of “Petrushka”, Russian composers and artists (Stravinsky, Benois, and others) are not mentioned at all. Nevertheless, the reminiscences of Russian culture unexpectedly bring together the images of religious (relic) and carnival (Petrushka doll) cultures, which are constantly “reviving” in the works of various types of art.

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Reported Speech in Slavic Hagiography of 'Pletenije Sloves' Literary Style: Pleonastic Structures with Elements of Direct Speech


This article considers the peculiarities of pleonastic phrases containing reported speech in Southern Slavic and Old Russian works of the Pletenije Sloves' style. The author detects the interrelation between these peculiarities and the tradition followed by the scribes: Biblical (Epifanij Premudryj) and Byzantian rhetorical (the Tyrna school scribes) ones.

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Representation of religious and confessional values of the Reformation and Protestantism in the phraseological heritage of Martin Luther


The article is devoted to the study of German phraseological units and paroemias, which go back to Martin Luther and reflect the era of the Reformation and its confessional values. The analysis showed that the unique confessional experience left a significant trace in the phraseological picture of the world of the German people. The author draws a conclusion that the conceptual foundation of set expressions is determined by the basic ideas of the Protestant creed. The main attention is paid to the representation in the phraseological units of the key provisions of the religious and moral renewal of the person, proclaimed by reformists, namely the concepts of justification by faith, Christian freedom, upbringing and education of a new person, vocation and labour as religious and spiritual values.

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Schoolchildren’s health protection in the condition of inclusive education: The problems and the ways to solve them


This article addresses the problems of health protection of schoolchildren with special needs in the conditions of inclusive education. The author considers the structure of social attitudes of teachers, students, parents, children with disabilities, and regular students to the teaching activities in the inclusive educational situation and its role in students’ health protection. The article emphasised the need to develop the concept and strategy for health protection of schoolchildren in the context of joint education of students with and without special needs and the features of students’ health protection.

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Scientific base of ecological and valeological education in context of health-oriented pedagogic paradigm


The article presents the concept of the ecological and valeological education. The basic strategies of ecological and valeological education and conditions of its efficiency are determined on the basis of the analysis of research and specialised literature and actual experience. The article puts forward the definitions of the notions ‘ecological and valeological education’, ‘valeology’,
reveals the research bases of ecological and valeological education in the framework of health-oriented psychological paradigm, and considers its interdisciplinary connections.

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Scientific writing in teaching foreign languages to future researchers


This article highlights the need to address the stylistics of scientific writing when teaching a foreign language to future scientists. The author presents a historical overview of the key stages of development of functional style theory and describes the modern perspective on scientific writing in the following aspects: field of use, topic and content, characteristics of the sender and recipient, purpose and forms of speech, and general properties, linguistic features, and types of texts.

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Simulation technique in the mathematical theory of learning


Further development of theoretical pedagogy and the theory of learning is closely connected to the use of mathematical and digital techniques in learning process simulations. This article explores formal methods for studying a didactic system as well as difficulties in employing them. The author describes key stages of simulation development and presents a simulation of unrelated study material elements (using letters of the alphabet as an example). The charts show temporal changes in students’ knowledge and motivation. Research works on the mathematical theory of learning, and the analysis of semiformalized and semistructured systems, research into cognitive and simulation management, fuzzy logic and soft system methodology comprise the methodological framework for the study.

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Social attitudes as a factor of delinquent behaviour in the underage


This article analyses the correlation between attitudes and social beha-viour and such factors as the strength/weakness and clarity/ambivalence of an attitude and the situation factor. The author considers the results of empirical studies into value orientations and moral and psychological attitudes based on samples of senior year school students and university students. The article studies correlation between social attitudes and asocial behaviour in children and adolescents. The influence of structural and psychological family deforma¬tion on asocial behaviour is discussed. It is stressed that, in identifying asocial behaviour of the underage, prio-rity is given to the psychosocial deformation of the family. A lack of supervi-sion is a more important delinquency factor than an adverse socioeconomic situation. It is emphasised that the mother plays the central role in the system of re-lationships of children and adolescents. A decrease in positive attitude to the mother and an increase in the number of negative descriptors when speaking of her is correlated with growing negativisation of all social relationships of a personality. It is stressed that parent-child relationships characterised by inconsis-tence and propensity to conflict contribute to the development of aggression in a child as a means to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

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Social identity in the conditions of cultural diversity: A search or imposition? (the case of the Kaliningrad region)


This article discusses the development of social identity in the modern Russian society in the case of the Kaliningrad region. Based on an analysis of the regional public discourse and the data of surveys and case studies, the author considers the process of promoting and imposing a model of normativity and social identity marked as one characteristic of the “overwhelming majority” of citizens, “traditional” for the Russian society, and morally true, but nevertheless contradicting the actual state of the public consciousness of a multicultural society.

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Social inclusion of people with disabilities de jure and de facto: the included, the self-inclusive and the non-self-inclusive


The article presents an analysis of the social systems, in which human health is not limited to its inclusion in social relations, processes and practic­es. The main aim of this research work is to study the impact of self-identification of people with disabilities on their social integration and inclu­sion. The complexity of internal contradictions of these processes and a limited number of research works on the problem determined the need for a new inte­grative analysis and synthesis of the existing theories and empirical facts. The evolution of the concepts of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities is described as a socio-political trend of imposing ‘inclusive socie­ty’ and ignoring its stratification and the laws of social exclusion. It is shown that social exclusion as one of the forms of organization of society can result not only from the structure of society, but can also be the individual’s con­scious choice. The author systematizes and describes special conditions of per­sonality development, personal dispositions and the role of social self-iden­ti­fication of people with disabilities in relation to social inclusion and ex­clu­sion. The author argues that there are different models of integration of people with disabilities based on social compromise and respect for the human right to choose the kind of life to live. The results of the study can be used in social and psychological support of people with disabilities in the processes of their inclu­sion and integration with society.

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Social representations of healthy eating: an empirical study


This article considers the issue of healthy eating as a component of healthy lifestyle from the perspective of social psychology. The author reports the results of a pilot study into the social representations of “healthy eating” among university students. The article analyses structural units of a social representation of “healthy and unhealthy food”, the opinions of young people about their own diet, motives behind choosing certain products, and the sources of information about them being good/bad for health.

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Some problems of ecological education of students of military higher education institutions and possible ways to solve them


This article is devoted to the features of ecological education at a military higher education institution pertaining to the need to apply the competence model of specialist training. The author analyses the research and pedagogical problems of organization of military professional ecological training of students of different fields of study and offers the ways to solve them in the framework of the competence approach concept.

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Subjective modality of the literary text: ontological status in author’s conception of the world


A literary text is considered by modern linguistics as a dynamic commu­nicative unit, in connection with which it becomes necessary to study its con­stituents. Subjective modality appears in a literary text as a communicative-semantic category that allows one to comprehensively represent the author’s attitude to the communicated instance. The purpose of the article stays with the need to substantiate the ontological status of the subjective modality of a literary text as a component of the author’s concept of the world. The material for the study is the literary text of the essay “Caucasian” by M.Yu. Lermon­tov as a genre that demonstrates a complex synthesis of various zones of im­plementation of subjective modality. The author’s concept, embodied with the help of various means of subjective modality, is determined by the writer’s system of values, his spiritual experience, and his aesthetic cognition. The analysis of the linguistic material made it possible to determine that the sub­jective modality can be realized as a synthesis of three levels — the image of the author, narrator and hero, which makes it possible to substantiate the au­thor’s concept of the world in a literary text.

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Text filiation in S. D. Dovlatov’s fiction (article one)


This article considers SD Dovlatov’s prose to examine the little-studied intertextual process of filiation. The filial offshoot of a literary text is related to, and separate from, the initial text and is written by the same author. The study presents a ‘working’ definition of filiation and outlines its basic principles — a creative use of clichés, text reduplication, and the employment of the parent text’s ‘genomes’.

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Text filiation in S. Dovlatov's fiction (article two)


The author analyses S. D. Dovlatov’s prose and examines the littlestudied intertextual process of filiation. The filial offshoot of a literary text is related to, and separate from, the initial text and is written by the same author. The study presents a ‘working’ definition of filiation and outlines its basic principles — a creative use of clichés, text reduplication, and the employment of the parent text’s ‘genomes’.

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Text formation function of the author's modality in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky (on the poem «I always kept saying that the fate is a game...» — «Я всегда твердил, что судьба — игра...»)


The article has conducted a comprehensive analysis of Joseph Brodsky’s poem “I always kept saying that the fate is a game...” based on functional-semantic and communicative-pragmatic approaches. In the process of analysis, the main emphasis is placed on the author’s modality as a means of transmitting his individual worldview. The author’s modality is con­sidered as a text-forming semantic category, explicit at various textual levels: lexical, syntac­tic, phonetic, and compositional. The role of the following language resources in structuring the authorial modality of the analyzed text has been identified: syntactic parallelism, poetic meter and rhythm, tropes of various structures, stylistic diversity of vocabulary, phonetic instrumentation, and compositional organization of speech. It is established that the combina­tion of means expressing the author’s modality in the poem is a way of representing signifi­cant philosophical categories for the poet, such as time, space, loneliness, and fate.

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The “personal-social” antinomy as a mechanism for analysing and assessing pedagogical studies on developing cognitive interests in cadets


Using the “personal-social” antinomy, the author analyses the results of a historical and pedagogical reconstruction of the 1960s— 80s theoretical and practical studies on the development of cognitive interests in cadets within the training process at military schools. The analysis helps to identify the conditions for critical and creative application of these results in humanising the system of military education in modern Russia.

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The archetypal space of the palace in E. Zola’s novel «The La­diesʼ Paradise»


The article reveals the connection between the artistic space of the natu­ralistic novel with the archetypical forms of mentality and culture. The author used the structural-semiotic method of text analysis, as well as the analysis of archetypical images that are regularly repeated in the European cultural expe­rience. The concept of “archetype” in literary analysis is proved to be neces­sary. Among other things, using of this concept makes it possible to free the study of the text from the need to take into account polemic statements and aesthetic manifests of the authors. Besides, this approach gives an opportunity to analyze the text as such and to distinguish between historical reminiscences and allusions and archetypical models, as well as between current influences and generally valid archetypes. Special attention is given to the image of the Palace and to its spatial model, which works in the novel as a specific mean­ing-generating mechanism. The image of the Palace is viewed through its his­torical importance for the second half of the XIX century. It is as well regard­ed in its archetypical function, which organizes the artistic structure of the novel. Besides, the archetypical function of the image of the Palace makes it possible to bring the text to a new unrealistic level of generalization for the XIX century. This approach is very important to a historian of literature, be­cause it allows to explain some aspects of the aesthetical commonality in the naturalist style and in the modernist style, while these two literary trends are traditionally opposed

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The body in the autobiographical portrayal in “Mademoiselle’s Memoirs”


The paper considers the body representation as an important constituent of self-portrait in the autobiography “Memoirs” (published 1717) by Mademoiselle de Montpensier. The book contains descriptions of various aspects of the life of the body (appearance, clothes, tears, illnesses, physical suffering), which are analyzed within a broader cultural and philosophical context of the XVII-century, as well as from the point of view of the author’s general intentions. It is demonstrated that body images work towards aggrandizement of her self-portrait, underscoring her high social status.

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The communicative and pragmatic category of tolerance as a value constant in modern German linguoculture: the case of the newspaper Die Zeit


Processes taking place in society affect how lexemes are understood and interpreted at different historical periods of a linguoculture. In this article, we use German dictionaries and today’s press to consider the notion of Toleranz as a value constant and lexical-semntic field of German linguoculture. In our study, we relied on the DWDS German text corpus and the periodical Die Zeit. We established that the historical peak of the use of the lexeme Toleranz had been reached in 1992, whereas the in­crease of 2015 was associated with the surge of migrants from Africa and the Middle East.

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The conceptual profiles of the oeuvre of M. Bulgakov, V. Nabokov, A. Platonov and M. Sholokhov (according to the data of the comparative analysis of frequent vocabulary)


The following article offers a methodology combining the quantitative and ideographic methods of text analysis. The contexts of frequent vocabulary help build up the "conceptual profiles" of M. Bulgakov, V. Nabokov, A. Platonov, and M.Sholokhov, which reflect the individual correlation of denotative spheres in the oeuvre of each author.

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The content of practicum for bachelors and masters of education


Today’s graduates of pedagogical faculties often exhibit little interest in a career in education and unwillingness to work at school. An effective solution to this problem is the formation of successful pedagogical experience in future teachers at university, in particular, in the course of practicum. The study sets out to identify the role of practicum in the professional training of future teachers as well as the content of all types of practica in the continuous training of a teacher of informatics within bachelor’s and master’s programmes. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the justification of the content of all types of practica from the perspective of the praxeological approach – theory of successful activities. The practical significance lies in that the presented integrated system of practicum content, which includes the goal, means, content, and results of each practicum stage, can be used in developing practica for other university programmes. As a methodological framework for organising pedagogical practica, the study uses the praxeological approach, which ensures the openness, integrity, and high efficiency of the practicum as well as positive motivation for teaching. It also facilitates the development of a creative type of professional behaviour. Special attention to the content and technology of organising practica results in successful teaching experience of university students.

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The correction of university students’ knowledge as a subject of pedagogical studies


This article is devoted to the little-studied pedagogical problem of correcting higher university students’ knowledge. The authors offer a definition of the concept of “knowledge correction” and identify its essence, objectives, orientation, structure, functions and results within the training process. Тhe article considers the system of knowledge correction methods, including personalized knowledge correction tests. The authors focus on the interrelation between didactic control and knowledge correction and identify the principles of organizing knowledge correction at a university.

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The development of international contact culture as a value aspect of educational reality


This article is dedicated to the topical issue of development of international contact culture. The main feature of the article is the emphasis on the need to develop etnocultural tolerance as a value cornerstone of the consciousness of nations and to implement it within the framework of traditional pedagogical methods and techniques.

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The development of positive self-relation by means of eurhythmics


This article attempts to solve two interrelated problems: to analyse the correlation between the body image disturbance and such self-relation characteristics as time competence, autonomy, self-respect, self-acceptance, selfconfidence, social boldness, initiative in social contacts, aggression, and hostility; to consider the opportunity of psychological management by means of eurhythmics. The comparative analysis of the results of eurhythmics application proves that this method is effective in the development of positive self-relation, in particular, selfconfidence, social boldness, initiative in social contacts, time competence, autonomy, self-respect, self-acceptance, and the decrease in hostility level.

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The dream dictionary of G. H. Miller: The structural originality and cognitive models of interpretation


G. H. Miller’s dream dictionary is analysed from the perspective of modern cognitive linguistics. The author examines its cultural characteristics, embeddedness in the context of dreams, the polysemy of the key image, and the possibility of homonymy. Gender dependence and subject-object differentiation are identified as important features of dream interpretations in the dictionary. The author describes three mechanisms of semantic transformation behind the dream interpretation: metaphoric conversion, metonymic shift, and pragmatic extension.

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The essence of the aesthetical education of a child from the perspective of modern psychology


This article analyses the role of aesthetic education in the personality de-velopment of a child. The author emphasizes the importance of aesthetic edu-cation as an imprescriptible part of educational system in the conditions of modern culture. Special attention is given to the methodological problem of understanding the category of the “aesthetic” in the context of practical work on early aesthetic development in modern art education.

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The example of humility: The life of St Nicholas the Bishop compiled by Symeon the Metaphrast


The image of St Nicholas in the translated Byzantine biography is analysed in order to identify the type of humble behaviour. The author examines the plot-based means of describing the character of the saint and comes to a conclusion about an equal combination of meekness and audacity in his humble behaviour, which is explained by the personal qualities of the saint and his feat.

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The features of the expression of the modal meaning of necessity in Russian and Lithuanian newspapers


This article presents a functional-semantic analysis of one of situational modality meanings — the meaning of necessity — as implemented in Russian and Lithuanian newspaper texts. The authors identify the functions of Russian modal explicators and their Lithuanian equivalents.

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The functional significance of modal evaluative component in the concept structure: The case of M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita


This article analyses connections between modality and concept. The au-thor explains the way modal meanings are connected to concepts, stresses the functional value of modal meanings for concept structure, and considers the structure of concept, its nuclear, and interpretation field. The concept of «duty» in the context of a literary text is used to prove the modal background of the concept.

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The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking


Theoretical postulates about the types of grammatical sentences are analysed and compared in reference to the history of thinking put forward by Losev and “the theory of three areals” by G. Guillaume, according to which in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphologies are identified. The process of cognitive evolution of thinking is studied diachronically: from mythological thinking to verbal-logical thinking that is entirely manifested in the nominal structure and in the formation of the category of subject in syntax (subject formation). The influence of outer factors on the thinking type, which is implemented in certain grammar structure, is also considered. The conclusion is: cognitive-informational characteristics of phylogenic “primary” archaic thinking of people is mainly imaginative, right-brain thinking.

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The German agricultural discourse in the 17th century (based on the treatise «Stratagema oeconomicum oder Akkerstudent» by Salomon Gubert


This article explores peculiarities of the formation of the German agricultural discourse as a special type of scientific discourse of the seventeenth century. The author performs a discursive and cognitive analyses of the treatise «Stratagema oeconomicum oder Akkerstudent» written by the German pastor Salomon Gubert in Livonia in 1645. The linguocultural aspect of the institutional communication is considered as the main distinctive feature of the discourse.

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The healthy lifestyle idea of students of humanities


The article presents the results a study into the healthy lifestyle ideas of students of humanities. The author analyses the students’ understanding of the term «health» and the healthy lifestyle factors. The article reviews the main sources of healthy lifestyle information used by students. The author considers the students’ assessment of their own lifestyle, as well as the evaluationof the role of healthy lifestyle in the course of development of the image of a modern person.

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The historiography of the problem of teaching basic swimming skills


This article considers the prerequisites for the development of methodologies of teaching basic swimming skills to different student groups in the historical aspect predominantly on the basis of Russian materials. The author describes the trends in the organisation of training in the period of development of this area of swimming within the activity of progressive people and swimming experts.

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The history of the Russian anthroponymic formula in the Smolensk region: Commercial documents of the 17th century


The author studies commercial documents (Smolensk, 17th century) from the perspective of anthropolinguistics and sociolinguistics to trace the development of the official anthroponymic formula in the western region of Russia. At that time, Smolensk was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The article places emphasis on the specifics of the naming process.

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The image of Svyatopolk in the Tale of Boris and Gleb: predestination or freedom of choice?


The hagiographical image of Svyatopolk is analysed as one determined by Christian anthropology. The author asserts that Svyatopolk performs an evil deed neither due to predestination, nor under the influence of fatal circumstances, but of his own free will. Svyatopolk embodies the model of a person of string will, which is opposed to the will of God and leads the character to captivity of the devil.

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The imperative as an expressive means of impact in Russian and English advertisements


The article is devoted to the function of imperative constructions as the means of impact in Russian and English social advertisements. It also deals with comparative analysis of imperative in the Russian and English languages and their cultural differences.

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The implementation of the competence approach of the Federal state educational standards at a medical university


This article reports the result of test mode introduction of project learning at a medical university. This technology is used within the curriculum of the “Medical Cybernetics” field of study. The process brought together a state medical university (professors), clinics (medical personnel), and a private development company (system analysts). Six years of using project learning in education proved the efficacy of this technology at a medical university.

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The Instruciton of Vladimir Monomakh as a confession and self-report: On the problem of interpretation


The genre of the Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh is considered as a "deed" and "confession and selfreport" (M. Bakhtin) and is related to the fact that the way a text is created is determined by non-literary considerations; the internal plot unfolds as a confession. The creation of the Instruction is interpreted as a deed, which determines the way to salvation for a lay prince.

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The lexical structure of the Life of St. Martyr Irina (according to the Synodal version)


This article deals with the verbs conveying semantic dominants of hagiographic texts; an integrated approach to the analysis of language facts makes it possible to establish that the features of verbal word forms function according to the type of hagiography and its composition.

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The linguistic-pragmatic features of the realiza­tion of speech acts of threat in the political discourses of Germany and Spain


The threat is one of the most effective ways to influence an interlocutor’s be­havior because it directly affects his or her personal interests. De­pending on the con­text, a threat may take various forms, which can be at odds with the traditional idea of both the structure of a threat and its linguistic markers. Threats are frequently used in contemporary po­litical discourse, which is gov­erned by norms and conventions. The radicaliza­tion of communication is a re­sult of social and economic problems as well as geopo­litical conflicts. This pa­per analyses what forms the speech act of threat can take in the political dis­courses of two Europe­an countries: Germany and Spain. It attempts to identi­fy similarities and structural differences in the realization of speech acts of threat at the lexical, grammatical, and pragmatic levels by politicians in these countries. The study relies on sixty-six speeches of German and Spanish poli­ticians: Alexander Gauland, Alice Weidel, Mariano Ra­joy, and Íñigo Méndez de Vigo.

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The Masonic Word: Types and Functions


In the sources that guide the Masons, and in the sources that they pro­duce themselves, the term “Word” dominates in the meaning of a “text, an idea or a communicative unit”. This determines the importance of the re­search. Its purpose is to identify the characteristics of the perception of the Word by the Masons, that is, to discover the typology of the unit and its func­tions. To achieve the goal, the methods of semantic, contextual and communi­cative analysis were used, allowing in their totality to propose, prove and for­mulate a holistic perception of a structurally complex unit. The main results of the study include the following. Firstly, the the authors established the ty­pology of the word: the Word of God, the Lost Word, the Master’s Word, the Mason’s Word, the Poetic Word Secondly, the functions of the Word were de­termined: identifying, conspiratorial, magical, creative, enlightening. Thirdly, it was stated that the Word in the perception of the Freemasons became an ideal, an object and a tool. At the same time, the instrumental function, that is, one’s own practice in the framework of the real world, implied a mystical desire for an ideal, that is, the Word of God, and rational and mystical know­led­ge of an object, that is, the Lost Word.

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The memento mori genre in medieval German literature


This article addresses the memento mori genre in the German literature if the 11th-12th centuries. The works in this genre present a literary expression of the category of reminder of mortality. It is close to the sermon calling for repentance. The typical texts by Heinrich von Melk include lamentations about the deceitfulness of the world, the brevity and vanity of earthly life, a reminder of the Last Judgement, and a prayer to God. Heinrich von Melk’s memento mori contain criticism of emerging Minnesang.

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The methodical training of biology students: a systemic-environmental approach


This article offers the authors’ perspective on the development of targeted, organizational, and result-oriented components of the system of methodological training of biology students in the conditions of ecological and educational environment of the region. The author shows that the creation of a developing environment on the basis of the orientation nature of goals and network organizational structure of methodological training can contribute to the transparency of results of methodological training of students.

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The methodological competence of a university teacher


This article attempts to resolve the contradictions between the challenges of a higher education institution modernisation and the level of methodological competence. The author analyses methodological problems and the peculiarities of higher education methodology defining the notion of «methodological competence» and determining its hierarchy, structure, and assessment criteria.

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The modelling of professional activity of a specialist in physical culture and sports in a training computer environment


This article described the automated teaching system meant to form the following package of knowledge and skills in students: 1) the analysis of the observed physical action with the subsequent identification of its quality; 2) planning the process of acquiring physical action skills; 2) making decisions regarding the content of further training on the basis of the analysis results. The educational features of this system are revealed with the help of special tools of software shell interface and the algorithm of knowledge acquisition. The result is a computer environment for sports and pedagogical training with a simulator function.

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The muscle activity biofeedback in the training of Greco-Roman wrestlers


One of the new methods to improve muscle coordination is the muscle activity biofeedback, which is based on the principles of biological feedback and implemented by means of modern computer equipment. The muscle activity biofeedback prevents muscle overexertion and improves muscle coordination, which results in a change in brain mechanisms.
The authors studied the intercoordination of muscular groups important for the structure of wrestle. The dependence of efficacy on functional asymmetry and the predominant perception methods of Greco-Roman wrestlers was examined. The results obtained indicate the interdependence between intermuscular coordination, functional asymmetry and predominant perception methods

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The name of a saint in the Menaion (a cultural linguistic analysis)


This article discusses the problems of a linguistic study into personal names based on hagiographic hymnography. The author describes the methodology of cultural linguistic representation of the name of Saint Basil of Moscow based on anthroponyms and vocatives nominating the saint in the August Menaion from the collection of the Wojnowo Monastery (Poland).

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The orientation function of a newspaper headline as a key component of its pragmatics


The orientation function of newspaper headlines is considered as one of its major pragmatic properties. Special attention is paid to analysing verbal and non-verbal means of headline implementation of headlines that significantly increase its pragmatic potential. The study is based on headlines of the Russian federal and regional press of 2010-2013.

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The pedagogical prognosis of success on the basis of teenagers' personal characteristics analysis


This article analyses teenagers' personal characteristics that determine academic and social success as well as the ways to detect them in the process of education. The research encompasses motivation for success, the level of subjective control, self-esteem, self-awareness in educational process, autonomy/dependence and the level of anxiety.

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The planning of effective professional performance of a psychologist at preschool educational institutions


This article discusses the need for planning the activity of a psychological counsellor at a preschool education institution; the author gives a definition of ergonomic integrity of the activity of a psychological counsellor at a preschool education institution, describes the algorithm for defining the ergative functions of a counsellor, and identifies the essential components of the psychological support technique.

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The principles of the concept analysis of the "male" and "female" in Russian linguistic mentality


This article offers the theoretical grounds and methods of semantic analysis of “male” and “female” categories developed on the basis of linguistic data. The author draws examples from the Russian language to demonstrate gender semantic models in Russian linguistic mentality, e. g. the general understandding of the “male” and the “female”, the content properties of these principles, etc.

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The problems of colloquial and dialect speech translation of short stories by Günter Grass


The author studies translation of lexical and phonetic colloquial and dialect specific speech features in the works of modern German writer Günter Grass. The author analyses the methods of fiction literature translation, which have been used for translation from Danzig dialect into Russian.

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The professional athletes’ idea of family relations


This article focuses on the features of professional athletes’ ideas of family relations. The authors analyse the relation structure, role distribution, ways of communication, and egocentrism tendencies in professional athletes’ families. The authors’ idea of the counselling process lies in addressing the features of athletes’ families with the help of the hardware methods of neuromodulation, projective techniques, and corporal therapy. The authors identify four areas of counselling and offer recommendations on using the “Family sociogramme” methodology” in working with athlete’s families.

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The provision of medical aid to students — a foundation for health protection of the future generation


This article is devoted to a comprehensive medical examination of stu-dents of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University carried out in order to analyse their health condition and find adequate forms of providing medical aid to students. The study included medical examination with division by health groups and further analysis of the data obtained.

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The psychological defensive behavior strategies of teachers with different burnout levels


This empiric research is devoted to the study of strategies of psychological defensive behavior of teachers, their dependence on the burnout level and the identification of teacher types on the basis of this dependence. As a result, the authors identified and described the types of teachers with different burnout levels and defensive behaviour strategies in difficult professional situations.

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The role of discourse in modern linguistics


This article considers discourse as a category giving a new perspective on the text. The author analyses various concepts of discourse, which were developed over the last decades within the cognitive, constructivist-poststru-cturalist, and neo-rhetorical approaches. Despite being based on different methodological principles, the concepts analysed in a text have a common ground: they focus on the same research object, namely, the text. Mono- and transtextual discourse models make it possible to transgress the limits of the text placing it within the dynamic space of communication. Discourse theory and the notion of discourse mark a new turn of the spiral of cognition that makes it possible to see and justify the cognitive and communicative potential of a text.

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The role of individual work in the development of creative competency in bachelors of education (The case of the Basics of Mathematical Information Processing course )


This article stresses the need to develop the creative competence in bache-lors of education and describes the stages of its development. The role of indi-vidual work of students (IWS) in the formation of creative competence and the requirements for its organization, contributing to the formation of creative competence are identified. The case of organizing individual work when studying the Basis of Mathematical Information Processing is examined.

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The role of intertextuality in the formation of the opposition soul-body in Nikolai Kononov's «Eugenia's Genius»


The authors examine intertextual links between N. Kononov's story «Eugenia's Genius» (1998) and the myth of Cupid and Psyche from Apuleius «Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass» by Apuleius, »Light breath» by I. A. Bunin and Roman M. Kundera's «The Unbearable Lightness of Being». The authors explore the role of these relations in the formation of the artistic concepts of «soul» and «body» in N. Kononov's works. The authors аnalyse similarities of N. Kononov's texts with the above mentioned works in their themes, imagery and vocabulary.

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The tactics of appeal to happiness/regret as speech instruments for implementing the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status


This article deals with the ways of the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status explication in the modern German poetry discourse. Especially we are concentrating on lexical tools of the tactics of appeal to happiness and tactics of appeal to regret. The examples of implementation of the strategy of defining recipient’s emotional status are poems, which are devoted to consideration of concept LOVE.

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The teacher’s readiness to work with a ‘special’ child: the model of development of inclusive education values


his article presents a didactic model of development of inclusive education values in future teachers as an element of the behavioural component of psychological and pedagogical readiness for working with children with special education needs in the conditions of inclusive education.

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The technology of students’ knowledge correction on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics


This article is devoted to the little studied problem of correction of university students’ knowledge. The author describes the essence and features of knowledge correction in the educational process at university, its structural and conceptual models. The technology of students’ knowledge correction developed on the basis of this model is intrinsic to the technology of module education with the test/rating system if knowledge control and assessment. The article describes the content, diagnostic, and procedural components of the technology. An important element of the diagnostic component is correcting diagnostics, which does not have a control function. It is shown that that the technology has the following new features: systemic nature, complexity, conceptuality, developing character, strucuredness, hierarchy, logicality, variability and flexibility, procedurality, manageability, instrumentality, diagnosability, predictability.

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The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!


N. Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia” is used to study the mythopoetic code forming the basis of the writer’s works. The article considers the semantics of human life as vegetation in its connection to the “life-death”, “young-old”, and “top-bottom” oppositions. The author’s approach consists in reconstructing the writer’s method of meaning and text generation based on the game potential of language up to using a multilingual anagrammatic code and reconsideration of language category.

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The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”


The second article of the series considers the role of the vegetative code in conveying the core of N. Kononov’s hidden semantic system, namely, the de-velopment of the dual and the plural from the singular I (ego). The paronymy between the Russian koren (root) and the English corn makes it possible to progress to the Russian ovyos (oats), which represents this development in different linguistic transformations. It is shown how the description of the vegetative cycle of oats (or the singularity/duality and plurality of subjects) is used to develop a time continuum, i. e. the year circle. The generation mechanism is opposed to the process of fragmentation and the identification of enti-ties and temporal intervals, which results in the instability of their ontological status. Everything becomes fiction. The article considers the forms of the au-thor’s presence in the system of hidden codes.

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The verbalisation of punctuation marks in written and oral texts: The functional aspect


This paper considers the concept of verbalization of punctuation marks, its regular and expressive forms in spoken and written language. The author identifies the functions of verbalized punctuation and other written marks in literary (M. Vishnevetskaya, V. Makanin, I. Dubcova), journalistic (radio programmes), scientific and dictionary texts, as well as idiomatic expressions. The verbalization of punctuation marks is interpreted as a manifestation of author’s punctuation.

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The verbs МОЧЬ and MÓC as core constituents of modal microfields of possibility in the Russian and Polish languages


Based on the modern Russian and Polish texts of different genres and styles, the authors consider the functioning of the Russian verb мочь and the Polish móc as main explicators of the modal meaning of possibility within their respective microfields. The article identifies the universal characteristics and intralinguistic features of the verbs’ functioning.

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The virtual learning environment of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics


This article considers the innovative technology of educational process organization in the virtual environment of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics built on the SharePoint platform. The author describes its structure, as well as the purpose and functions of its most important enclosures.

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The woman as seen by a man in modern Russian chanson


This article reconstructs the image of a woman as presented in Russian modern chanson. The author identifies two female images – the mother and the lover. The image of the mother has hardly changed over the last seventy years. The image of the lover has inversed: earlier, she played with the man, now she is his plaything. Female images are analysed from the perspective of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology.

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Training future teachers to perform grading


This article focuses on the development of grading skills in future teach-ers. The author presents key interpretations of the notion of ‘grading’. The principles, functions, and types of grading are considered. The author’s ap-proach to developing an algorithm of grading performance of future teachers at a seminar is proposed.

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Understanding scientific texts on the basis of modelling semantic links: theoretical foundations of the conception


The paper explores linguistic, methodological and psycholinguistic aspects of scientific text modelling. These aspects relate to text units, intratexual links and elements of the model. The article also examines text forming functions of the sentence.

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Universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists


This paper sets out to examine the potential value of universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists in relation to a new resultative quality of their professional education and professional development. The purpose of revealing the functions is to prove the importance of professional universality for promoting a better competitiveness and professional development of future graduates in general.

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Urban speech as an object of linguistic research: written and spoken varieties


The article focuses on methodological tendences in urban language research. Authors, meanwhile, substantiate rationality of its spoken and written varieties as separate fields of study. These studies are marked with a high rate of activity and they highlight a new concept of the «regiolect» — a regional variety of the national language. The analysis of the scientific results of linguo-urbanistics reveals the dominance of the onomastic vector and obvious lack of research into urban speech. The authors specify discrepancies in the function of written and spoken language in linguistic, semiotic and psychological aspects. They also state destructive results of simple mechanical transfer of oral speech techniques to urban epigraphy, the differences between word-formation processes in written and oral speech are described. The visuality of a written sign, the possibility of hybrid word formation with the help of other symbolic and graphic systems, as well as the activity of language norms are listed as features of written communication. A distinctive feature of the oral form is the possibility of meaning explication through non-verbal signs. According to the authors, greater reliability of scientific results in the field of modern urban studies can be achieved through compliance with the principle of unmixed study of living speech and urban writing.

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Verbs of delimitative manner of action based on the data of the national corpus of the Russian language: The system and usage


This article shows that the delimitative class of verbs can be expanded through involving new groups of motivating verbs. This process becomes more active in the conditions where the impact of usage is more pronounced. The author establishes that delimitatives acquire special functional-stylistic yield in modern written language and act as a “code word” indicative of socially marked narration.

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Victories and defeats of General Barclay de Tolly in the novel by L. Tolstoy «War and Peace»


The article analyses various means of creating the image of Barclay de Tolly, a great Russian commander who played, according to historians, a deci­sive role in defeating Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author con­cludes that his portraying in the novel was very powerful not only due to the re-creation of the dominating attitude towards the general of that time but al­so to Tolstoy’s philosophy of history. According to Tolstoy, the course of events is caused by the interaction of two wills — divine and human.

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What Saussure wrote/did not write: A half a century discussion on the anagram theory


This article explores the history of studies into Ferdinand de Saussure’s ideas of anagrams. When Saussure’s notebooks were published in the late 1960s and his drafts in the 1990s, scholars received a wealth of material for in-terpretation going far beyond the initial topic of ancient Indo-European poetry. The paper emphasises the diversity of approaches to Saussure’s ideas — from J. Kristeva’s semiotics to M. Gronas’s mnemotechnical analysis. Over the recent decades, the study of anagrams has rested on the clarification of ter-minology and the promotion of the comparative and interdisciplinary ap-proaches.

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You know how to speak, be able to listen! Inefficiency of communication as a result of violation of the principle of active listening


The issue of the effectiveness of speech communication is considered, which is largely de­termined by the adequacy / inadequacy of verbal and non-verbal behavior of communicants, as well as the problem of organizing dialogical interaction as a process of social, communicative, and discursive nature. The research aims to identify the essential characteristics of active lis­tening techniques used in organizing verbal communication based on the analysis of material in English, French, and Russian languages. The scientific novelty of the work lies in specify­ing and identifying distinctive features of active listening (listening in the interest of the in­terlocutor) — a phenomenon that is not well-studied in domestic linguistics. The position is justified regarding the constructive nature of active listening techniques as a strategy for mutual understanding and coordination of communicants’ actions. The effective use of active listening techniques is conditioned by a set of communicative-pragmatic factors, including socio-psychological characteristics of communicants, the situation, and the interaction topic. The obtained results showed that non-compliance / violation of active listening rules and principles hinders the establishment and maintenance of contact between interlocutors throughout the communication process. Such deviations lead to a disruption of the unity be­tween the speaker and the listener, a disturbance of the semantic coordination of communica­tive partners’ utterances. As a result, the full realization of communicative intentions and speaker’s attitudes is not ensured, leading to the ineffectiveness of verbal interaction and typi­cally resulting in the emergence of pseudo-communicative contacts.

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