Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2024 Issue №1

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You know how to speak, be able to listen! Inefficiency of communication as a result of violation of the principle of active listening



The issue of the effectiveness of speech communication is considered, which is largely de­termined by the adequacy / inadequacy of verbal and non-verbal behavior of communicants, as well as the problem of organizing dialogical interaction as a process of social, communicative, and discursive nature. The research aims to identify the essential characteristics of active lis­tening techniques used in organizing verbal communication based on the analysis of material in English, French, and Russian languages. The scientific novelty of the work lies in specify­ing and identifying distinctive features of active listening (listening in the interest of the in­terlocutor) — a phenomenon that is not well-studied in domestic linguistics. The position is justified regarding the constructive nature of active listening techniques as a strategy for mutual understanding and coordination of communicants’ actions. The effective use of active listening techniques is conditioned by a set of communicative-pragmatic factors, including socio-psychological characteristics of communicants, the situation, and the interaction topic. The obtained results showed that non-compliance / violation of active listening rules and principles hinders the establishment and maintenance of contact between interlocutors throughout the communication process. Such deviations lead to a disruption of the unity be­tween the speaker and the listener, a disturbance of the semantic coordination of communica­tive partners’ utterances. As a result, the full realization of communicative intentions and speaker’s attitudes is not ensured, leading to the ineffectiveness of verbal interaction and typi­cally resulting in the emergence of pseudo-communicative contacts.