Natural and medical sciences

2023 Issue №4

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Study of the physical and geographical conditions of the territory of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass for the purpose of reclamation works



The long geological history of the region, changes in marine and terrestrial deposits, and magmatic activity have determined the modern geological and geomorphological structure of the Kemerovo Region — Kuzbass, as well as the distribution of mineral resources. The aim of the study was to investigate the physico-geographical conditions of the Kemerovo Region — Kuzbass to carry out reclamation work. The main deposits of the region are located in the mountainous areas of the Kuznetsk Alatau, Salair, and Mountain Shoria. Combustible min­erals belong to a discontinuous belt in the central part of the region, where more favorable conditions for sediment accumulation are created. Kemerovo Region is characterized by di­verse geomorphological conditions and a varied climate. The main factors contributing to the climate include atmospheric circulation, relief, and vegetation. The combination of these fac­tors shapes the climatic characteristics of the region. Overall, there is a general pattern in the distribution of temperature and humidity. In the mountains of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria, it is humid, but there is a deficit of warmth. The most favorable conditions have developed at the foot of the windward slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau, where the soil is moist enough to provide warmth. Various soil coverings are formed on the territory of the Kemerovo Region, the majority of which are forest soils (brown soils and sub-brown soils, podzolic soils, gray forest soils). It has been established that based on the physico-geographical conditions in the territory of the Kemerovo Region — Kuzbass, it is advisable to carry out forestry, sanitary-hygienic, agricultural, recreational, and water management reclamation.