Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2023 Issue №4

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Education in orthodox comprehensive schools in modern Russia: the issue of choosing methodological principles of research



The development of Orthodox comprehensive education schools in Russia at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, as part of the religious education system, makes them a new and relevant subject for scientific research. The necessity of restoring the full educational function of modern schools and the search for effective educational means in contemporary socio-cultural conditions require a reference to the history and theory of Orthodox education. The accumulated experience in Orthodox general education schools over the past decades needs to be explored, revealing its content and characteristics of the cor­res­pon­ding educational systems. This justifies the choice of the subject of the study — education in Orthodox comprehensive education schools—as well as the theme of the article, which aims to substantiate the methodological principles in researching the mentioned phenomenon. The pos­sibility of applying various methodological principles known in modern pedagogical science to the chosen research subject is analyzed. As a result, a list of methodological princip­les for studying education in Orthodox comprehensive education schools is justified, inclu­ding the principles of objectivity, essential analysis, genetic analysis, unity of historical and lo­gical approaches, systematicity, combining the existing with the required, and activity-orien­ted principles. Since the research on the topic of education in modern Orthodox com­pre­hensive education schools is not yet complete, some principles are characterized as guidelines for further study, and for some, the application in obtaining preliminary research results is indicated.