Natural and medical sciences

Natural and medical sciences

Economic, social and political geography

Rural area as a peripheral zone: the verdict or potential


Changes in the spatial structure of rural settlement, which occur primarily under the influence of structural transformations in the economy, turn urban agglomerations into the drivers of growth. The periphery becomes, as a rule, depressive. This forces the regional authorities to work out programs for the regional development of peripheral territories characterized as backward areas with depopulation and population outflow, poor infrastructure, low incomes and high rates of unemployment. However, the suburban area is not homogeneous, and rural areas see one or another socio-economic problem arise. This article, based on the concept of the geodemographic situation using statistical data, considers the results of a sociological survey and field research, the socio-economic situation of rural settlements in the suburban area of the agglomeration. The authors analyse the factors influencing the distribution of the rural population within the urban agglomeration.

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Specifics of the economic development of the southeast of the Kaliningrad region


The development of territories at the micro level is a topical research issue due to emerging trends in the development of small towns and districts. So, on the territory of the Kaliningrad region, several micro-districts are distinguished (according to socio-economic zoning), including the territory of the south-east, i. e., Gusev, Nesterov, Ozersk and Chernyakhovsk municipalities. The southeastern territory of the region is interesting for polarization processes and the spatial structure of the territory development. The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the indicators of the economic development of the territory, considering the spatial development. Based on the published statistical data, the article analyzes a few economic indicators of industrial development in the south-east of the region and indicators of agricultural development. The dynamics of the development in these economic sectors is revealed and results in conclusions about the processes which take place in the territory under consideration.

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Typology of world financial centers at the beginning of the 21st century


The study focuses on world financial centers (GFCs), which have different functions, and, forming a network of GFCs, ensure the integration of the countries into the world financial system (WFS). But within the framework of the GFC network, the global financial centers that are part of it, may differentiate significantly and experience inequality. The geography of the research is wide, covering the global and regional levels. The typology drawn up in the work focuses on the functional differentiation of the GFC, which occurred as a result of their formation and development. The spatial aspect of the transformation of the GFC network is manifested through the use of the Center-Peripheral model, which in this work covers the world financial system. Based on the analysis of statistical data, indices of consulting companies, as well as comprehensive studies carried out by economists and geographers, the world financial centers are differentiated by the functions they perform within the GFC network. Global financial centers have been subdivided into some types, and a number of conclusions have been formulated about the trends in the transformation of the GFC network and the factors determining this process. The author has identified promising points of growth and new macroregions of the world financial system.

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Narcotization of the population as a social problem (the case of the subjects of the North-Western Federal District)


Narcotizing of the population does not only cause harm to the physical and mental health of drug addicts, but also adversely affects the vital activity of the regions, which creates a direct threat to the gene pool of the nation, ensuring the rule of law, the national security of the country. Territorial differences in narcotizing are determined by many factors, such as the economic and geographical location, the level of transport infrastructure development and the social well-being of the population. At the same time, location-wise, the level of the drug situation and its influence on the socio-economic development of the regions is practically not considered in research publications. In the current study, the author attempts to analyze the indicated issues, on the example of the subjects of the North-Western Federal District (NWFD).

The study established that the structure of drug-consumption in the District largely depends on the economic and geographical position of the subjects, the natural and climatic conditions. Opioid drug addiction has the greatest negative impact on the socio-economic development of the subjects. The subjects in which there is a high level of drug-addiction among the population are forced to allocate significant funds both for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. When developing regional anti-drug programs, it is important to take into account the territorial specifics of the structure of drug consumption and the consequences that may arise.

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Physical Geography, Geoecology and Oceanology

The potential of natural and economic ecosystem accounting to support the management of coastal and marine territories on the example of the Kaliningrad region


The article reveals the statistical potential and the existing possibilities of establishing environmental-economic and ecosystem accounting to support coastal and marine management in the Kaliningrad region. The relevance of these accounts is determined by the geopolitical role and strategic importance of this region for achieving the national goals of sustainable development of the Russian Federation, in particular, SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”). The region is also highly integrated into various international relations and market interactions, exposed to external restrictions and regulations, primarily within the European Union and the Baltic Sea region. The methodology and the data analysis of the main accounts for the shelf sea of the Kaliningrad region was based on the principles and approaches of the international statistical standard System of Environmental-Economic Accounting — Central Framework, 2012 and the Technical Guidelines on Ocean Accounting. It was revealed that even though the information in the field of environmental management of the Kaliningrad region is abundant, there are significant information gaps in completing the accounts. Among the main accounts of the SEEA EA of the shelf sea zone, the major indicator data is available for the basic accounts. The authors substantiated the necessity of gradual development and introduction the accounts of the SEEA EA into statistical practice; proposed a sequence of works, considering their priority for improving regional governance and the significance of the existing data lacoons. The article confirmed the relevance of standardized international approaches to the accounting of ecosystem assets and ecosystem services of the shelf sea zone within the framework of the SEEA EA in order to improve the efficiency of management of the development of the Kaliningrad region and other coastal regions of Russia, their international investment attractiveness, the application of the experience gained in the construction of the SEEA EA for the shelf sea zones of other regions of the Russian Federation.

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Medical issues

Educating medical students on hygienically safe usage of mobile electronic devices


The goal of the research is to study how much the mobile electronic devices affect the vision of medical students and assess the degree of impact in relation to the occurrence of eyesight complaints, in particular computer visual syndrome, and to identify the factors that contribute to visual impairment. The author aims at developing measures for the hygienic education of medical students to reduce adverse effects of the use of mobile electronic devices on future doctors. 518 medical students of the 3rd year of General medicine and Pediatric faculties of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University were interviewed. The average age of the respondents was 20.1 ± 0.08 years. Questionnaires to study the effect of gadgets on vision were specially developed at the Department of Hygiene of the Pediatric Faculty of the Pirogov’s Russian National Research Medical University. There is evidence that half of medical students never do eye exercises; more than 75.0 % of medical students hold a mobile electronic device very close to their eyes at a distance of less than 30 cm while working, which is not in line with hygiene recommendations. Based on the results of this study, simple but easily implemented recommendations were developed for medical students who were included in the checklist for the protection of vision; checklists were tested over the course of two months and recorded positive changes.

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The birth of premature children and the causes of disability of the child population in the kaliningrad region


The purpose of this work is to study the frequency of birth of premature babies and disability in children and the need to accompany premature babies by a pediatric neuropsychologist in the Kaliningrad region. The disabled children in the Kaliningrad were registered from 2016 to 2020 through statistical reports of the birth rate of premature babies. Against the background of a decrease in the overall birth rate, there is no trend towards a decrease in the birth of premature babies, the disability of the child population has stable indicators. As a result, the most urgent problem is the development of modern neuropsychological methods for early prevention and / or rehabilitation of motor, uneven mental, cognitive developmental disorders in children recognized as disabled when they are 0-3 and 4-7 years old. Mental disorders, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities, which are the main causes of disability in children, deserve special attention. In the Kaliningrad region, 6.4 % — 6.8 % of premature babies are born annually, who are at high risk for the development of disorders of the central nervous system and need to be accompanied by a pediatric neuropsychologist. Neurological and mental diseases prevail in the structure of children’s disability, the share of which is 49.8 %. Most often, premature children are recognized as disabled at the age of 0—3, which is directly related to health deviations in the perinatal period.

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Motivational factors for studying students in a medical university and their relationship with academic


The article presents the results of a survey of 127 first-year students of the Medical Institute of the Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant. According to the results of the survey, it turned out that students who do not have academic debts in anatomy and Latin have a more pronounced motivation for learning than students with academic debts in these disciplines. It is shown that successful and unsuccessful students have a different idea of the importance of the subjects of the first semester in their future practical activities.

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