Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology


Peculiarities of the use of agonality in American political discourse (on the texts of election speeches of D. Trump and J. Biden in 2020)


The article provides a comparative and collation analysis of the linguistic specificity of election speeches of J. Biden and D. Trump in 2020. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic means of agonality functioning in the texts. This study views agonality as a type of communication of the opposing parties when trying to achieve superiority in a political contest.

The results of the study show that the means of agonality used in the election speeches of the presidential candidates contribute to the decrease of the opponent’s authority, as a result of the use of appropriate strategies and inherent tactics relevant within the political discourse semantics.

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On the system classification of terminological vocabulary of modern education


This article examines the typological features of the modern Russian education terminology. Currently, there is a large number of linguistic research works on educational discourse, but most of them focus on the analysis of its individual aspects, thereby leaving out the description of the terminological system of Russian education that is dynamically developing in the recent period. The purpose of this study is to build a systemic classification of the terminological vocabulary of modern education, which includes terminological units of different types. The research relies on modeling techniques, as well as descriptive and contextual analyses. The paper shows that the terminological units in the studied terminological system are heterogeneous and differ in the level of terminology (actually terms, pre-terms, terminoids, nomens, professionalisms and professional jargon), formal structure (individual lexemes and phrases), chronological status (outdated, modern and new term units), part-of-speech attribution (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs), semantic features (mono-lexeme and poly-lexeme units), the level of motivation (fully / partially motivated and unmotivated terms) and mastery (mastered and undeveloped signs) in the system of the Russian language. It was noticed that the terminology of Russian education in the modern era is actively replenished with terms from the areas not previously associated with the studied thematic area (computer, economic, scientific and technical, medical, etc.). Analysis of the latest special lexicographic sources revealed that some new terms of education can receive ambiguous interpretations in dictionary entries, demonstrating the incompleteness of the process of forming the subsystem in question. The author comes to some certain conclusion about the conditionality of the terminological system of modern Russian education by the specifics of the subject-thematic area, the rapid pace of its development, as well as the openness of its borders to elements of other terminological systems.

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The ways of expressing subjective-modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov and its English translation


The article considers linguistic means of expressing certainty and uncertainty in the comedy, which contribute to revealing personality traits of its main characters, namely Famusov and Chatskii. Using a comparative functional-semantic analysis the authors determine the adequacy of Russian and English means of expressing the modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty in the target text. The authors conclude that all dominant constituents of the meanings mentioned above are conveyed adequately enough, except for those which are completely different due to specific features of each language. The research materials can be used in Literary Translation classes.

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Because or because of [“Potomu chto” or “potomu, chto”]? (Modal-communicative specifics of the conjunction)


The article considers the functional features of the subordinating conjunction “потому что (because)” in modern Russian in the reference to the nature of its structural and syntactic position in causative complex sentences. Based on the functional-semantic analysis of the use of this conjunction in the undifferentiated and dissected structural position of its constituent parts, its role in the formation of the modal organization of complex causal sentences is established, the modal-communicative potential of this conjunction is revealed, which is realized in the corresponding syntactic constructions.

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Conceptual blending theory in poetry discourse analysis: the case study of Pärnu Elegies (1981) by David Samoylov


The article deals with the cognitive analysis of poetic images based on the critical approach to the conceptual blending theory (G. Fauconnier, M. Turner), taking into account the findings of the biographical analysis ensuring an in-depth interpretation of the blended spaces. The study aims to show that the semantic complexity of the poetic image goes beyond the conceptual transfer between the source and target mental spaces. Examining the case of Pärnu Elegies (1981) by David Samoylov, the article demonstrates the necessity of completing the conceptual blending method by the poet’s diaries and personal correspondence data. Adhering to the interdisciplinary transfer theory (V. V. Feshchenko) the article borrows the literary studies category of hypotext (G. Genette) to perform the linguistic analysis. Combining the MIP(VU) (Metaphor Identification Procedure), the conceptual blending method and the biographical analysis, the article introduces the hypotext and biographical input spaces that participate in creating the poetic image. The article explicates the correlations between the elegies’ blended spaces and the poet’s life perception and life circumstances. The author determines that the poetic image cannot be reduced to the conceptual projection result, its conceptual space being synthesized from the physical, emotional and intellectual experience.

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The impact of fashion magazines language onto the trends in speech


The article studies the mass media impact on the integration and the rooting of highly specialized vocabulary of fashionable discourse in the Russian language. Due to this goal the author analyzed the vocabulary of modern fashion magazines, in particular the linguistic borrowings of the clothing items names of the terms that have already established themselves in the world fashion discourse. A certain attention is paid to new color terms, which, as a rule, appear in French and English languages to be traced in Russian later. The study finds that the highly specialized vocabulary of the fashion sphere enters Russian language primarily due to the printed editions, then it settles in the conversational speech to be back to their pages in a new perfected form. This process contributes to the consolidation and the widespread usage of the fashion industry vocabulary in modern Russian. The frequency of certain lexemes used in speech gets influenced by the popularity of objects or phenomena named by them, as well as by the trend for the words themselves.

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Literary studies

. The image of the author and his country in works by N.V. Gogol, H. Heine and J. Rizal


The article analyzes the typological connections between N. V. Gogol’s prose poem “The Dead Souls”, H. Heine’s poem in verse “Germany: A Winter Tale” and J. Rizal’s novel “Noli me tangere”. The author studies how, in all three works, the image of the author and of his country are interconnected. Each author sees himself as a patriot, and that is why he feels obliged to criticize the situation of his country. Each one of them is to a certain degree seen as a stranger by origin. Obviously, this assumes a mild form in the case of Gogol, the Ukrainian, in Russia. It is stronger with Rizal, who is a Filipino and yet a man with Chinese ancestors. But it is Heine who revels the strongest form of exclusion, antisemitism, who yet sees himself as a German patriot. The three works share the same feature, they were written while the authors were living abroad. Due to this, each of them viewed their countries from the outside. Through travel narration, which, to a high degree, is also the narration of a voyage through the kingdom of death, they describe the problems of their countries. All the above-mentioned factors help to establish the imagery connection to the works of Cervantes and Dante.

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Actualization of the dialectical unity of “Friend-foe” in the ideological attitudes of G. Radtke’s novel “Die Tätowierten”


The article analyzes the actualization of the dialectical unity of “friend-foe” on the example of the German-language novel G. Radtke “Die Tätowierten”for young adults. The study relies on the research of the ideological attitudes of the GDR through the analysis of theoretical sources, the method of continuous sampling, linguistic analysis of contextual blocks of the story, and establishes the spheres of human activity that represent the rejection of the values of a hostile ideology: appearance, leisure, work, moral principles, upbringing and re-education of the younger generation in the right ideological way. A connection is established between the external and internal manifestations of ideological attitudes, which is especially pronounced in the professional sphere. The authors show that ideological differences in their abstract form are associated with visual and auditory images (photos and media). It is determined that the highest degree of opposition of “own” and “foreign” ideology is achieved when describing the state border of the GDR and the FRG. It is established that an equilibrium opposition of “friend-foe” is impossible without an equivalent criticism of one’s own ideological principles, primarily in the sphere of (re)education of “alien” individuals in correctional homes for teenagers. Likewise, the attention is also drawn to the shortcomings of the planned economy of the GDR, to the economic difficulties of the socialist state, which sometimes serve as the cause of economic crimes.

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Transcultural russification of the Buddhist component in the religious and cultural utopia of the cycle “Eurasian Symphony” by I.A. Alimov and V.M. Rybakov


The article analyses the ways of Russification of Buddhism in the cycle of novels by Holm van Zaichik (V. Rybakov and I. Alimov) “Eurasian Symphony”. Buddhist ideas (for example, the idea of karma in its various forms), Buddhist images (in particular, architectural images), Buddhist vocabulary are integrated by the authors into the traditional patterns of Russian culture. Russian Buddhism depicted by V. Rybakov and I. Alimov in the novels of the cycleoffers answers to complex challenges identified by Russian culture and literature (a version of the theodicy), becomes a part of Russian sacred geography (the co-presence of Orthodox and Buddhist temples on the same land), generates a new, paradoxical idiomatics. The authors of the cycle “Eurasian Symphony” create a utopia of religious and cultural syncretism on the basis of transcultural interaction of religions in the guise of alternative history. At the same time, the main mode of narration in the novels of the cycle is the combination of a serious and ironic attitude to the created artistic world, which makes it possible to read the “Eurasian Symphony” in a variety of ways.

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Pedagogy and psychology

Reengineering the process of the development of educational and methodological documentation


The article considers the necessity for using the methodology of reengineering for development educational and methodological documentation. The terms «reengineering» and «business process» are defined, as well as the model of reengineering of business processes, its aims and objectives are described. The authors examine the premises of using reengineering in modern conditions. Likewise, the peculiarities of the usage of reengineering for modernization of educational processes are considered, the objects of reengineering in an educational institution are analyzed. The heavy workload we face proves the necessity for automatization of the process of development educational and methodological documentation. The “horseshoe” model which describes main principles of development of educational and methodological documentation is used. The authors also formulate the principles of automatization of development educational and methodological documentation.

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Features of professional teacher training: Singapore experience


The article presents an analysis of the features of teacher training in Singapore, a country that has high international acclaim for the achievements of schoolchildren. The goals of pedagogical education focus on social values and ethical principles, while technologies and methods are aimed at pedagogical reflection and practical preparation of students for various educational situations. A separate aspect of the digitalization of teacher education is highlighted, i. e., the format and purpose of the professional portfolio of the future teacher. The main goal of the article is to expand the evidence base of research in the field of teacher education by analyzing the specifics of teacher training for the education system in Singapore, which plays a decisive role promoting school education in this country.

Methodologically, the study relied on an integrated approach with elements of a socio-­cultural approach while analyzing the features of the educational situation in Singapore, an axiological approach to organizing the training of future teachers. The main method is a comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on the development of education in Singapore, the information from the official educational Internet resources of Singapore, the International Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), papers and discussions of the international seminar “Pedagogical Education 21st century: new challenges and solutions” (Belarus, Minsk, 2021). The interdisciplinary method of PEST-analysis was used as an additional method.

A comparative analysis of the state, main ideas and trends in the development of teacher education in Singapore revealed specific features in the principles, goals, values and technologies of training future teachers. The modern model of teacher training is based on the relationship between reflective professional practice and pedagogical research. The novelty of the current research lies in the analysis of teacher education in Singapore, a country with high rates of school education quality, in the political, economic and socio-­cultural context.

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