Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №4

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Structure and functions of author’s account of internal monologue in Anton Chekhov’s stories 1880―1903



Direct internal monologue, stream of consciousness, internal replication and internal dialogue are the ways of presenting the character’s inner speech which are actively studied by linguistics. The article considers author’s account of internal monologue (AAIM). AAIM is the object of rare research in linguistics due to loss the features of natural inner speech. They are transformed into the content of the AAIM. Scientific interest to AAIM lies in its writing style, manner of expressing Chekhov’s individual style. The linguistic features of the narrator and the character distinguish the verbal-analytical, subject-analytical and impressionistic internal monologues in Anton Chekhov’s stories 1880— 1903. Structural, semantic and functional features determine AAIM. Actively the verbal-analytical AAIM presents the inner speech in Anton Chekhov’s objective narration period. AAIM approaches the forms of free indirect speech. The linguistic features of the AAIM actualize the subject-speech plan of the narrator and the character. Stylistic elements and syntactic constructions make up Chekhov’s polyphonic narrative. Quotations in external speech organize the dialogization of the AAIM. It dramatizes the characters’ stream of thinking. On the contrary, the subject-analytical AAIM excludes the speech identity of the characters. It conveys the general content of reflection, but it is not characteristic of Chekhov’s multi-voiced narrative. Impressionist AAIM presents inner speech in works of all Chekhov’s creative periods. Memories of characters are congested into conceptual meaning and reflect the impressions of the characters. Structurally meaningful and functional features of inner response reveals Anton Chekhov’s individual style.