Natural and medical sciences

2021 Issue №1

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Species composition of diatom complexes (Bacillariophyta) in the holocene sediments in the Curonian lagoon



The paper presents the results of a study on species composition of diatom assemblages in a sediment core from the southwestern part of the Curonian Lagoon. There have been identified 56 species and intraspecific taxa, which belong to 35 genera. The species of Actinocyclus, Aulacoseira, Fragilariforma and Staurosira were recorded as dominant taxa in the bottom sediment samples. The studied sediments contain a large number of species, which demonstrate optimal development at a high pH value. Most of the identified species are freshwater inhabitants, less often the brackish-water species, that is due to be associated with the simultaneous influence of the continental runoff and water exchange with the Baltic Sea. The obtained data were analysed in terms of the lithologic description and radiocarbon dating in order to evaluate the environmental conditions in the studied area during the Mid- to Late Holocene (6500—3500 cal yr BP).


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Электронные ресурсы

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