Natural and medical sciences

2021 Issue №3

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Evaluation of the possibility of ultrasound examination of the first metatarsophalangeal joints in the diagnosis of gouty arthritis



The variety of options for the course of gouty arthritis necessitates the search for informative and accessible methods for diagnosing this disease. The detection of the sodium monourate crystals deposits in synovial fluid is asso­ciated with certain technical difficulties. In this regard, ultrasound diagnos­tics of gout is of particular value. The article raises questions of the im­portance of ultrasound assessment of joints in the diagnosis of gouty arthritis. Especially interesting is the possibility of evaluating the first metatarsoph­alangeal joints as a screening area for research. In our work, we found a high frequency of detection of echographic signs of gout in this area, even in the ab­sence of clinical manifestations. The use of ultrasound examination of the first metatarsophalangeal joints can be recommended at the stage of differential di­agnosis of gouty arthritis in clinical practice of primary specialized care.


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