Natural and medical sciences

2021 Issue №3

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Retrograde endobiliary interventions for acute biliary pancreatitis



The article analyses the results of the examination and treatment of 18 patients with acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP). They underwent endoscopic retrograde endobiliary interventions (EREBV), which were performed in the X-ray surgery under endotracheal anesthesia using X-ray vision and included the following: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP), en­doscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST), lithotripsy, lithoextraction, duct stenting. The following types of EPST, subtotal, limited, papillotomy, were performed.

After performing a papillotomy, 1 (5.6 %) a bleeding was stopped by con­servative measures. The fatal outcome was accounted for 1 (5.6 %). The pa­tient was admitted with symptoms of severe intoxication, pancreatogenic shock, and was diagnosed with total pancreatic necrosis. Despite the intensive therapy, there was a progression of the disease, an increase in multiple organ failure. In the remaining cases, the treatment was successful.

In the nearest period, 16 patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystecto­my within 1 to 6 months. In the long-term period, at the terms of 13 and 18 months, 2 patients had a recurrence of pancreatitis. They were cured by a course of conservative therapy. At the initial admission, these patients were diagnosed with severe pancreatitis and a long history.


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