Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №3

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German spiritual lyrics in the allusive space of Clemens Bren­tano’s fairy tales



The article analyzes the features of the allusions functioning in German spiritual lyrics in the tales by Clemens Brentano. The author's strategy of in­troducing allusions to the texts previously published in the collection The Boy's Magic Horn is considered, as well as the principle of double coding, in which the allusion refers simultaneously to the elements of spiritual lyrics and to the Bible or famous prayers, which increases the likelihood of recognizing an allusive meaning. Various ways of forming allusive space in the Rhine fairy tales are revealed: an allusive allegorization of a fairy-tale space; secular­ization of spiritual lyrics in a fairy-tale space; creation of a network of inter­textual relations; an increment of the original meaning to an allusive basis. There are cases of carnival parodying of spiritual lyrics in The Tale of the Tai­lor Seven-in-One-Blow. The key, meaning-forming value of allusions to spir­itual lyrics in two Italian fairy tales is revealed, which contributes to the transfer of Italian plots to German culture.


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