Physics, mathematics, and technology

2021 Issue №2

Generalized model of a satellite information transmission channel using Nyquist shaping filters


The results of generalized satellite channel model constructing in MathCAD, including the synthesis of a discrete information signal, the im­plementation of a convolutional encoder, a forming Nyquist filter and a BPSK modulator, the synthesis of a discrete additive narrow-band Gaussian noise, the implementation of a BPSK demodulator and a decoder based on the Wit­terby algorithm are presented in this article. As a result of verification of the model, it is shown that in the absence of additive noise, the Nyquist filter eliminates intersymbol interference. The gain in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), at which the set value of the bit error rate (BER) is achieved, can be up to 9 dB when the rounding factor of the Nyquist filter is reduced from 0.9 to 0.3.

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Ship frequency independent antenna of the VHF band


The article is devoted to the development of small-sized antenna systems to ensure stable radio communication on ships in a complex electromagnetic environment, when a large number of radio-electronic devices must be located in a limited area of the deck space. The proposed antenna structures have posi­tive weight and size properties, are characterized by a high constant gain, and are capable of operating in a wide frequency range, which suggests the possi­bility of their active use in shipboard VHF radio communication systems on marine vehicles for various purposes.

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On the possibility of improving the physical parameters of the receiving and trans­mitting antenna system


The paper considers ways to improve antenna-feeder devices in order to improve their weight and size characteristics, which is most important in or­der to ensure communication with remote mobile objects. Giving a certain configuration to the antenna vibrators while using several coplanar lines and ensuring the joint operation of several antenna emitters allows you to signifi­cantly reduce the overall size of the structure while ensuring high power out­put. The construction of a radio frequency module according to a multi-channel scheme makes it possible to increase the range of operating frequencies by the required width of the range used in communication systems.

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On mechanical resonances and anti-resonances


To study resonance and near-resonance phenomena, a symbolic (com­plex) method was used, which makes it possible to significantly increase productivity, simplify and formalize mathematical transformations. Parallel and sequential connections of elements of a mechanical system with a source of force or a source of speed as a source of external mechanical harmonic action are considered. Four modes are described — resonances and antiresonances of forces and velocities. The use of the symbolic (complex) method has signifi­cantly simplified the study of resonance and near-resonance phenomena, in particular, it has made it possible to deeply unify and formalize the considera­tion of various mechanical systems. The cumbersome and time-consuming op­erations associated with the preparation and solution of differential equations have been replaced by simple algebraic transformations. The method is based on the mechanical analogue of Ohm's law in a complex representation and the concept of mechanical reactance, resistance, impedance, susceptance, conduct­ance and admittance.

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On quantum parallel computing


The article is devoted to the development of a methodology for studying the problems of quantum computing, mastered by students in the framework of higher education programs. On the example of a two-qubit quantum circuit performing a unitary transformation U of the form → , the problem of factorization of the superposition state at the output of the cir­cuit is discussed. The presented approach will be useful in studying topics re­lated to the use of quantum parallelism in the calculation procedure.

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ASK design features laboratory workshop on atomic physics taking into account the new SI-2019 system


Changes in the SI-2019 system are proposed to be taken into account by cor­recting of the educational experiment in atomic physics. From the data on the emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen, it was proposed to calculate not only the Rydberg constant, but also the effective mass of the electron, the re­fractive index of air. It is shown that a digital spectrometer allows one to quan­titatively study the isotope effect of a proton.

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