Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №2

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«The images of water» in the structure of oniric spaciopoetics of K. Ishiguro’s novel «The buried giant»



The article is dedicated to the spatial organization of one of Ishiguro's lat­est novels "The Buried Giant". The authors focus on the process of changing of the aesthetic paradigm taking place in modern prose and affecting the foun­dations of its poetics. Special attention is paid to that kind of changes in the spatio-temporal organization of the text. Its peculiarity in Ishiguro's novel is the artistic synthesis of the surreal elements (mythopoetics, space of memory, the loci of consciousness, intertextual inclusions), which is nominated as on­iric space (J. Faryno). It is created along with the images appearing in the pro­cess of recollecting in characters’ minds as a result of including multifunc­tional images of the sea and other water objects. Those images are traditional and unique at the same time. In this regard, the transgression of archetypal images and their artistic functions in the novel are investigated.


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