Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №2

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Intonological aspect of the vocal form of the language (on the example of the Russian choir)



The article studies intonation features of vocal form of the language. The melody of national opera music reveals inherent prosodic corrrelation with the language intonation units and their features. The two cognitive systems, namely music and language, function via intonological models (the ones char­acteristic of both music and speech) of perception. Although the vocal music melody of a national language is not fully identical to speech intonation pat­terns acoustically, it still includes a number of intonation features that are perceived by the listener as characteristic of his or her native language. Opera is a form of language music realization, which makes it a subject of psycholin­guistic studies. The author considers this issue in view of phonological ap­proach. Intonation units, referred to as «intonemes» in a language system, re­alize themselves as “melodemes” in the system of Western European music modes. According to the concept presented in this article, distinctive features of communicative and emotional meanings manifest themselves in repetitive use of a certain harmoneme in the motive of a phrase. The paper presents the findings obtained from studying the melody of Russian opera choirs by means of music and linguistic intonation analysis. The author has revealed the tendencies in expressing emotional meanings and discovered harmonic diffe­rences between the motive patterns (melodemes) of minor and major choir.


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