The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №4

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Transformation of the institutional matrix of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania within the Russian Empire



The research focuses on the poorly studied process of a social system passing through a bifurcation point: birth and progress of a crisis — social collapse resulting in the disintegration of the society — recuperation via integration of a part of the disintegrated social structure into a new one. A fine example of such a process is given by the admission of a part of Rzeczpospolita (Grand Duchy of Lithuania lands) into the Russian Empire. Those events had a major impact on the ensuing historical path of Belarus, which makes it more urgent to be studied. Herein, we employ the institutional approach supplemented with the recently developed theory of institutional matrices. It is revealed that when a state is formed out of elements with essen­tially differ­ent institutional matrices, there becomes possible a transplan­ta­tional dysfunc­tion of institutions, which in turn can initiate a crisis, capa­ble, in case of a malfunctioning political system and disunited elites, of trig­gering a social col­lapse and (if there are interested «poles of power») the total di­sintegration of the society. The subsequent entry of its part into another social system constitutes one of the options of passing through a bifurcation point. Three stages of this process are distinguished: incorporation of the new lands into the administrative-territorial structure of the recipient state, rebuilding of the social stratification in the new lands, administrative and legal unification, and deep integration. It is shown that upon the admission of Grand Duchy of Lithuania lands into the Russian Empire some basic economic and sociocul­tural institutions were retained, which bears witness to the preservation of singular elements of the institutional matrix of the disin­teg­rated society even during its passage through a bifurcation point.


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