The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №4

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Innovative development of rural settlements of the Leningrad region



The geography of modern innovation processes increasingly covers not only megalopolises and large industrial cities, but also rural areas. The issue of innovative development of the countryside has acquired particular prominence in the context of securing human capital and preventing the marginalization of rural settlements, though creating a favorable environment for life and business in particular. At the initial stage, the innovation of rural areas is associated with the diffusion and implementation of innovations in the economy and social sectors, as well as expanding the public access to various innovative solutions and technologies that can increase the level of well-being and the quality of the living environment. The purpose of this study is to assess the existing differences between the rural and urban population in the provision of banking, public, information and communication services as the basis for activating the innovation process. The study is carried out on urban and rural municipalities of the Leningrad region. Special attention is paid to the spatial factor in concentration of service renders. It is revealed that there is a significant gap in innovation susceptibility both between urban and rural settlements, and within rural settlements, depending on their proximity to a densely populated urban agglomeration, significant highways, large industrial and port infrastructure.


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