Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №1

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Escapism: non-constructive ways of teenage personal self-determination



The protest against outdated patterns of self-image and the inability to defend modern patterns self-image becomes traditional contradiction in teen­ager’s self-determination. Difficulties of self-determination in the real rela­tionship define teenager’s escapism and search for the value of self-image in a virtual existence. This study highlights the mechanisms and conditions under which escapism becomes dangerous for adolescents, distorts their self-image, and contributes to the loss of its adequacy. The purpose of the study is to iden­tify options for non-constructive ways of adolescent escapism. The theoretical basis of the research is a transformational model of protest activity of the indi­vidual (subject-being approach), in which escapism is one of the forms of pro­test. The authors study two most likely non-constructive ways of adolescent escapism while applying the partial moderated mediation methodology. Two ways of non-constructive escapism have differences and similarities. The simi­larities are in the mechanism of their occurrence: psychological defenses and stagnation of personal self-determination. The differences are in the conditions of the mechanism and in the results of personal self-determination. If teenag­ers reject the modern self-image in virtual spaces, they form a positive value of the Self, but the self-image is childish. If teenagers advocate a modern self-image, then there is a “split” in the assessment of the self-image: the real Self is radically different from the ideal Self. Escapism can be dangerous for teen­agers if the searching for the value of the Self in virtual spaces is not support­ed by subjective resources.


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