Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №1

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Artistic individual image of the language in P.Celan's po­etry



The article represents a cognitive-discursive study of means to create an image of the language in a literary text. It involves different types of analysis such as semantic, conceptual, and interpretive. Special attention is paid to the linguistic factors that influence the creation of metalinguistic utterances, in particular, the word-formation potential of the German language (neologiza­tion). The article also stresses the importance of extralinguistic context, the knowledge of which enables to interpret the meanings of lexical units as cogni­tive phenomena. Among the basic techniques of conceptualization being de­scribed are nomination, predication (identifying the main definitional features of the concept, actualized in the utterance) and figurative-descriptive repre­sentations (such as ontological cognitive metaphors). The study has shown that the complex use of the above mentioned tools enriches the interpretation field of the existing concept and can serve as the basis for the emergence of a new one. The theoretical ideas are illustrated by examples from German texts by P. Celan, many of which have not been translated into Russian before. It is concluded that the following features prevail in the author's individual image of the language: direct nomination based on metaphorical representations and language play, descriptive and subjective predication, as well as intertextual symbolic representations.


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