Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2021 Issue №1

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A literary image as a cognitive phenomenon



The article is an attempt to examine the terms «image» and «literary im­age» as a concept of cognitive science (in humanities: linguistics, psychology, cognitive studies, literary studies). It analyses different approaches to defining these terms, aiming at focusing on a cognitive definition of image. The article contains an overview of the analysis of the term in psychology: psychoanalytic approach, the theory of reflection, cognitive psychology. It describes cognitive features of image and the ways of their representation in the novel «The Mas­ter of Petersburg» by J. Coetzee. An image is viewed as an iconic sign incor­porated in the structure of a concept, being an element of its figurative-and-associative layer. It contributes to cognition of reality, reflecting a specific model of reality which connects concrete perceptible characteristics of an ob­ject or phenomenon with the subjectivity of the author’s individual mind. Af­ter the exploration of the cognitive approaches, a literary image is considered as a verbal sign representing the author’s worldview within the literary text. It is highlighted that while interpreting images it is important to pay atten­tion to both the textual representation of the author’s intention and the read­ers’ perception of them, especially the emotional reaction.


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