The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №3

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Potential of Russian-Indian scientific cooperation (the case of western border regions of Russia)



Relations between Russia and India in the academic and research space have been developing long. In modern history, the two countries act as strate­gic partners that aim at common development of priority areas of knowledge with high potential for the commercialization of results and the generation of innovations. The article assesses the potential for enhancing Russian-Indian interaction in various fields of scientific knowledge. The geography of the study is 268 cities of India and 44 cities of the Western borderland of Russia. The research hypothesis supports the assumption that in Indian-Russian sci­entific cooperation, the factor of territorial remoteness can be compensated by a similar level of scientific and technological (S&T) development and the pri­orities of national scientific systems. The research methodology is based on spatial scientometrics. The data source is the international abstract scientific citation base Dimensions. The authors reveal an insufficient level of existing scientific cooperation between India and Russia which is expressed in a rela­tively small number of co-authored publications in 2000—2019. The most productive in terms of an increased number of collaborative articles and cita­tions are five fields of science, i. e. physics, engineering, chemistry, mathemat­ics, and medicine. Humanities and social sciences are least involved in the process of co-production of knowledge by Russian and Indian scholars. The main constraints to the implementation of the existing potential of Russian-Indian scientific cooperation are the language barrier, the priority of state support for certain areas of knowledge, territorial remoteness and the related complexity in building social ties, the difference in the systems for assessing the effectiveness of scientific productivity.


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