The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №3

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A witness for the prosecution. Stanislav Dubel's testimony at the trial of Rudolf Hess



The article analyzes the life of former Polish prisoner of the Nazi concen­tration camp Auschwitz Stanislaw Dubiel (1910—?), who between 1942 and 1944 worked as a gardener at the villa of the Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss, and subsequently became one of the main prosecution witnesses at his trial. The trial took place in Warsaw in March 1947 and lasted 18 days. In addition to Dubiel, other Poles — former Auschwitz prisoners testified there, but Dubiel’s testimony was the most complete and contained many important details. Having gone through all the circles of the Auschwitz hell, Dubiel after his release returned to normal life and in 1947 opposed Höss. Dubiel’s testi­mony is not only an important legal source but also a historical source, that helps historians partly restore his biography. This article aims to analyze Du­biel’s testimony in the Höss’s trial, evaluate its authenticity, and determine what role it plays in the reconstruction of the daily life of Auschwitz inmates, commandant Höss and his family, as well as other SS-men who worked in Auschwitz.


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21. Zeznanie Alfreda Barabasza z dnia 13 września 1946 roku // Archiwum In­stytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/85. S. 139—140.

22. Zeznanie Erwina Olszówka z dnia 25 września 1947 roku // Archiwum Insty­tutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/137. S. 381—385.

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24. Zeznanie Jerzy Malcherczyka z dnia 20 stycznia 1947 roku // Archiwum In­stytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/171. S. 309—312.

25. Zeznanie Józefa Głuszaka z dnia 9 grudnia 1946 roku // Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/89. S. 242—245.

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29. Zeznanie Stanisława Dubiela z dnia 15 marca 1947 roku // Archiwum Insty­tutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/107. S. 77—119.

30. Zeznanie Stanisława Dubiela z dnia 7 sierpnia 1946 roku // Archiwum Insty­tutu Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie. Sygn. IPN GK 196/85. S. 51—58.