Physics, mathematics, and technology

2020 Issue №1

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Why is the space around us three dimensional



We note that it is no accident that modern science cannot answer to the question why our space we exist in and which we see is three-dimensional. Therefore, it is believed that attempts to find an an­swer to this question, by remaining only within the mathematics, are bound to fail. On the contrary, it is in the present math study that it is shown that why space is three-dimensional can only be explained only by means of higher arithmetic. This is followed by an answer to the following important question. Where and how the loss and subsequent recovery of symmetry in spatial nu­merical figures oc­curs. Why is there a loss of stable numerical symmetry? The present arithme­tic study will show that behind the external randomness of the real numbers around us is an infinite degree of their organizations, which is based on nu­merical matrix called the «Pascal's triangle» being placed in space. Because any segment of any increasing real number series belongs to any sequence in which each term is defined as some function of the previous ones.


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