Physics, mathematics, and technology

2020 Issue №1

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The first Stokes method in the problem of waves on a liquid surface of finite depth



An approximate solution of the problem of the structure and characteris­tics of a stationary nonlinear periodic wave on the surface of a liquid of finite depth has been obtained. The solution is as follows: first, the kinematic and dynamic conditions are simplified. The Bernoulli integral contributes to the simplification of the dynamic condition. An integral operator of convolution type is introduced. Four functions of one variable are determined, the main of which is the wave level. One linear and three quadratic equations are ob­tained. The zero mean conditions for the level and the relative function of the current, as well as the condition of orthogonally of the wave level and the fun­damental harmonic, are determined and validated. Like Stokes did, we seek unknown functions and parameters as expansions in a dimensionless wave number. The nonlinear dispersion relation has been obtained. The decision analysis has been completed. The cases of short and long waves have been con­sidered.


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