Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №2

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Frame approach to analysing the semantisation of the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in the language of Russian poetry



This article describes ways to semanticise the biblical quasi-anthroponym ‘prodigal son’ in a poetic text, using the frame approach as a means of cognitive modelling and description. This approach helps to identify and characterise meaning construction mechanisms in a prec­edent onomastic sign, which conveys the conceptual meanings of the biblical text. The study proposes a new methodology for analysing the biblical anthroponym in a poetic text.
The results obtained suggest that the realisation of the quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in Russian poetry texts of different periods is associated with either inheriting or transform­ing conceptual basic biblical meanings. If the basic frame scenario is executed with high preci­sion, i.e. using a complete set of ideationally significant slots, the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son determines how deeper meanings associated with the poetic interpretation of that eternal plot develop in the text. The inheritance of meanings is carried out both explicitly and implicitly, whereas the poetic interpretation of the biblical plot retains an essential con­nection with the basic protoframe. In most contexts, the meanings of the basic frame undergo a transformation when biblical symbolism is cancelled out, and the quasi-anthroponym ‘prod­igal son’ merely com­municates a generalised phraseological meaning.


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