Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

Philology, pedagogy, and psychology


Compounds in Fyodor Ivanov’s texts (based on «A letter…» and «A petition…» of 1666)


This article draws a connection between compounds, on the one hand, and the general meaning of two documents from the manuscript legacy of an ideologist of the mid-17th-century Russian Orthodox schism and his worldview, on the other. The study aims to consider through the prism of dia­chronic linguistic personology the texts authored by the dyak Fedor Ivanov. The content of the article is a product of its methodology, namely, continuous sampling, using which 193 with several roots were obtained; context analysis; and interpretation. From the perspective of historical linguistics, preliminary results include establishing the meaning of three units that were absent in his­torical lexicography and revealing chronological usage of another word. From the perspective of diachronic personology, the main finding is the fragmentary reconstruction of Ivanov’s worldview, using linguistic devices and text refer­ences. It is concluded that the first roots of compounds partially reflect the se­mantic structure present in the two texts.

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The genitive of quality as used in typological characterisation of a person


This paper describes the syntactic model termed as the adnominal genitive of quality, as well as its use in the archetypisation of a person. It is argued that the semantics of a noun functioning as an adnominal attribute produces two types of cultural-linguistic archetypes. An attribute noun referring to a sphere of moral or behavioural characteristics (‘человек сло­ва’, ‘man of success’, ‘człowiek honoru’) is associated with the model of the ethnocultural ar­chetype; a meaning relating to a period of life, locality or occupation (‘человек эпохи’, ‘дети улицы’, ‘люди моря’), with that of the cultural-linguistic sociotype.

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Frame approach to analysing the semantisation of the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in the language of Russian poetry


This article describes ways to semanticise the biblical quasi-anthroponym ‘prodigal son’ in a poetic text, using the frame approach as a means of cognitive modelling and description. This approach helps to identify and characterise meaning construction mechanisms in a prec­edent onomastic sign, which conveys the conceptual meanings of the biblical text. The study proposes a new methodology for analysing the biblical anthroponym in a poetic text.
The results obtained suggest that the realisation of the quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in Russian poetry texts of different periods is associated with either inheriting or transform­ing conceptual basic biblical meanings. If the basic frame scenario is executed with high preci­sion, i.e. using a complete set of ideationally significant slots, the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son determines how deeper meanings associated with the poetic interpretation of that eternal plot develop in the text. The inheritance of meanings is carried out both explicitly and implicitly, whereas the poetic interpretation of the biblical plot retains an essential con­nection with the basic protoframe. In most contexts, the meanings of the basic frame undergo a transformation when biblical symbolism is cancelled out, and the quasi-anthroponym ‘prod­igal son’ merely com­municates a generalised phraseological meaning.

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Specific ways to interpret the biblical expressions paradise and hell in the headings of aphoristic definitions


This paper describes ways to interpret the lexemes paradise and hell in definition-like aphorisms resembling a dictionary entry. These definitions use both traditional universal ways to interprets words and specific ones, in particular, association, antonymy-based dis­tinction, repetition-based distinction, and formal signalling. When association is invoked, the lexemes paradise and hell are interpreted based on metaphorical convergence and met­onymic adjacency. Antonymy-based distinction means that the two lexemes are defined by each other, with their individual characteristics indicated later. Repetition-based distinc­tion relies on a figurative statement that repeatedly uses the same word followed by an ex­planation. Formal signalling defines the lexemes ‘paradise’ and ‘hell’ as elements of objec­tive reality rather than as biblical spatial objects.

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Literary Studies

John Bunyan’s allegoric tradition in Clive Sta­ples Lewis’s novel The Pilgrim’s Regress


In his allegorical travel novel, Clive Staples Lewis tells the story of a hu¬man soul wandering in search for god. The medieval form of the allegorical novel helps the author to speak plainly about complex things: he explores the cultur¬al attitudes of a 20th-century person from the perspective of the Christ-centric axiological system of the Middle Ages. This article considers Lewis’s novel as a complicated intertext, which both serves as a palimpsest of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and enters into dialogue with it. The study identifies the pre-texts of Lewis’s intertextual novel. The interrelation between Lewis’s and Bunyan’s texts, which is shaped by differences between the cultural and religious attitudes of the two authors, is analysed.

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The child that is «not of this world» in Sergey Snegov’s novel Humans as Gods


The novel by the famous Soviet science fiction writer is analysed in the context of evangelical allusions and connotations. Biblical references in the text suggest a link between one of the main characters, the boy Astr, and the image of Christ. Although well in line with the anthropology of enlighten-ment, the idea of the salvation of the universe, which is central to the plot of the novel, and the image of the saviour, the child that is ‘not of this world’, are counterposed to Christian philosophy.

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Pictorial art and George Perec’s oeuvre


Georges Perec is a French author, literary experimenter, and member of the Oulipo group, whose works are strongly influenced by pictorial art. This paper explores various ways in which pictorial art affects the plots, style, lan¬guage, structure, and composition of Perec’s poetics. It is argued that the three most important functions of visual art in Perec’s prose are plot-forming, structural, and conceptual-stylistic ones.

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The myth as a source of cultural legitimation: the rock and hip-hop versions of the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice


A comparison of two original versions of the legend of Orpheus and Eu-rydice, the rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice (1975) and A Hip-Hopera: Orpheus & Eurydice (2018), shows how contemporary mass culture revives and deconstructs the ancient mythological pre-text, which lays a foundation for aesthetic legitimation of rock and hip-hop lyrics and their inclusion in a greater cultural context. The study explores the forms of representation of Orpheus’s dual semantics as the archetypical poet and musician as well as of the general motifs of temptation/seduction and selling one’s soul. It is established that, perceived as a single source of meanings and plots, the myth encourages the musical and poetical culture of the 20th/early 21st centuries to exploit deep¬er levels of the mythological metasystem and to build new cultural mythologies. Contemporary artists transform the traditional models of mythical think¬ing, having placed them into current sociocultural contexts.

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Janusz Głowacki yesterday and today


This article is devoted to the last, posthumously published, book by Ja-nusz Głowacki – the collection of essays Bezsenność w czasie karnawałui. The focus is on the texts that were translated and published in Russian. They are compared to essays comprising another book by Głowacki, Z głowy, which resembles Bezsenność in terms of genre. The works of the author are considered in the context of 20th-century European history from World War II to the present day as well as of Głowacki’s biography, worldview, ideology, aesthetics, and poetics.

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Pedagogy and psychology

A teacher’s career in public education: problems, trends, and conflicts


This article considers career advancement opportunities of teaching staff in the framework of the Education national project. The role of the teacher and an innovative vision of the teacher’s professional competency are analysed. The stages of teaching career are identified and described alongside conditions for career advancement and movement up and along the career ladder.

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Ways to improve soft skills model for teaching topographic anatomy and operative surgery


This article focuses on new ways to improve soft-skills training as well as to teach topographic anatomy and operative surgery. A key objective of contemporary professional education, particularly, that in medicine, is to build professional and discipline-specific competencies. This, however, is not sufficient for day-to-day medical practice. To develop as professionals, students need so-called universal competencies.
Before constructing a new model of studying a discipline, it was im-portant to know what students thought of current methods of knowledge as-sessment. Two hundred seventy students were surveyed to explore their attitudes to testing, working with digital anatomical maps, and a possible improvement of the training process by using interactive 3D anatomical atlases and distance learning elements in studying clinical anatomy cases. The findings suggest that traditional assessment methods neither improve academic performance nor contribute to «knowledge longevity». Using digital anatomical maps, however, is positively associated with better knowledge of the discipline. Teamwork on clinical anatomy cases while employing interactive 3D anatomical atlases, learning surgical skills as part of a surgical team, and role reversal increase motivation and build the foundations of new clinical thinking based on a rational combination of hard and soft skills.

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