Natural and medical sciences

2020 Issue №1

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Reactions of dibenzothiazine amination of quinone de­ri­vatives on a «copper film»



Interest in nitrogen-containing heterocycles can be brought about by the possibility of obtaining organic compounds with new properties by introduc­ing various substituents into the structure. The aim of this work is to aminate quinoid structures with dibenzothiazine to produce condensed heterocycles with a bridged nitrogen atom. It is the N-substituted derivatives that form a bridge between the dibenzothiazine molecule and the substituent that are con­sidered as the most promising substances. When aminating benzoquinone and its derivatives with dibenzothiazine, we can expect an increase in the potential biological activity and inhibitory properties of new compounds. The presence of copper affects the intensity and direction of the reaction when reactants in­teract. Practice-wise, the work can expand the spectrum of quinone and dibenzothiazine derivatives containing biologically active fragments.


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