Natural and medical sciences

2020 Issue №1

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Variability of climatic characteristics оver the South-East Baltic coastal waters in the early XXI century



The study is focused on features of hydrometeorological conditions in the southeastern Baltic Sea and their trends assessment for 2005—2019 (climatic half period). The authors used the data from field observations of atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, and air temperature from the automatic hydrometeorological station located offshore, as well as the satellite data from the infrared and microwave (radar images) ranges to determine sea ice and sea surface temperature, respectively. The research also reveals characteristic fea­tures of long-term dynamics of hydrological conditions in the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea for 2005—2019. The average annual atmospheric pres­sure is close to regular and equals to 1014.6 ± 1.7 hPa; its growth is estimated at a rate of 0.10 hPa/year. South-west and west winds prevail and they in­crease their speed during cold season. Increase in the number of storms is shown (+ 2 storms/15 years), however, the duration of storms has decreased and the maximum recorded wind speed has declined. The average annual air temperature over the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea has increased by 1.6°C compared to the middle of the XX century and it rises annually at a rate of 0.04° С/year. The sea surface temperature simultaneously is rising with a slower rate (0.02° С/year) and the maximum area of the ice field ob­served in the sea is decreasing (– 112,5 km2/year).


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