The humanities and social science

2020 Issue №1

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Thematic parallels in the hagiographies of Adalbert of Prague and old Russian narratives



This article presents a comparative hagiographic analysis of the life and martyrdom of Adalbert of Prague, who was extremely popular in Central Europe X—XII centuries, and hagiographies and old Russian chronicles re­lated geographically to the events that took place in the basin of the Upper Oka. The author identified several direct and indirect parallels of the plot. Among them, there is a description of the activities of the Adalbert-Gaudentius brothers and the legendary Radim and Vyatko brothers. The story describing the tragic death of hieromonk Kuksha is similar to the ones describing the killing of Adalbert of Prague. This similarity can be explained both by the commonality of the plot and the storyline, and the writer’s acquaintance with the hagiographies.


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