The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №4

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Social capital: a threat of negative application



The author justifies a conceptual provision that social capital can be com­posed of not only positive but also negative elements. Most researchers, in­cluding economists, sociologists, and psychologists stress the importance of the formation and development of human capital in modern society. However, they focus on the positive content and application. Without rejecting this ap­proach, the author proposes to proceed from the assumption that the inclina­tion and abilities, education, will, value preferences of the individual, i. e. eve­rything that can be included in the personal capital, can be used not only for the benefit of society, social groups but also against it. Negative social ele­ments can damage social connections and relations and lead to desocialisation of the individual. At the same time, the value dominants that characterize the state of society at the moment of its development play an important role. For instance, if selfishness and money as the only conditions for success begin to dominate in society, the available personal capital starts to be used in an anti­social way. The task of sociology, together with other social and human scienc­es, is to identify adverse trends not only in the process of personality for­mation but also in social processes as a whole, in order to timely redirect the creative potential of the individual, his or her social capital and use it for the benefit of society.


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