Physics, mathematics, and technology

2019 Issue №4

Estimation of Target Elevation Angles in Meter Radars


The problem of estimating the angles of the target location in the radar meter wave range, associated with the interference of direct and reflected from the earth's surface waves. In the area of small site angles, the directional pat­terns for the forward and reflected waves merge together and significantly dis­tort the estimates of the target site angles. The possibility of solving the prob­lem of estimating the angles of the target site by three methods is analyzed: the method of angular spectral analysis, the method based on the likelihood equa­tions, the method of maximum likelihood with high resolution, developed at the IKBFU. On the basis of the likelihood functional, expressions are de­rived that define the radiation patterns of the antenna system and the surface of the likelihood functional. Results of model researches of potential possibili­ties of estimates of angles of a place by three methods are presented. It is shown that the maximum likelihood method with a high resolution interferen­ce has no systematic errors in estimates of elevation angles, as the low correla­tion and the large correlation of direct and reflected waves. This method sol­ves the problem of estimating the angles of the place in the range of 0,5 ÷ 85° with a signal-to-noise ratio of ≈ 30 dB.

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