Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №1

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The Anglo-Saxon traditions in the educational system: educa-tion as a commercial enterprise



Since the 1990s, especially after Russia joined the Bologna Process in 2003, Russian education has been adopting the key features of the US educa­tional system, having acknowledged its greater efficiency in comparison to the Soviet one. Russian reformers, however, often overlook the substantial socio-cultural differences between the two countries. To understand whether it is prudent to adopt and copy in Russia either selected features of the US educa­tional system or its goals and objectives, it is necessary to analyse the litera­ture, to identify the key characteristics of the US educational system, and to track their evolution in the US pedagogical culture. This article examines a major tradition in the US education system — market-like behaviour. An at­tempt is made to analyse the historical background of traditions in US educa­tion and its market orientation. The study considers the critique of the latter feature by specialists in American education. It is concluded that, whereas the treatment of education as business and the commercialisation of education are historically inherent in US culture, copying and adopting these practices in Russia may cause irreversi­ble damage.


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