Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №1

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Nikolai Kononov’s ‘Ceylon Island’: the poetics of mystification



Nikolai Kononov first published his story ‘Ceylon Island’ under the pen-name Alexander Chekhov (the name of Anton Chekov’s brother). This article explores the author’s literary mystification strategy as an element central to the poetic nature of ‘Ceylon Island’, its intertextuality, and its stylistic ‘set­tings’. The receptive nature of the text of Kononov’s story and the logic behind the creation of the author’s mask are considered. The structural sources of the text are revealed to be Chekhov’s Notebooks, Diaries, and Sakhalin Island.


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8. Чехов А. П. Три сестры // Собр. соч. : в 8 т. М., 1970. Т. 7. С. 246—312.

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