Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2020 Issue №1

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The linguistic-pragmatic features of the realiza­tion of speech acts of threat in the political discourses of Germany and Spain



The threat is one of the most effective ways to influence an interlocutor’s be­havior because it directly affects his or her personal interests. De­pending on the con­text, a threat may take various forms, which can be at odds with the traditional idea of both the structure of a threat and its linguistic markers. Threats are frequently used in contemporary po­litical discourse, which is gov­erned by norms and conventions. The radicaliza­tion of communication is a re­sult of social and economic problems as well as geopo­litical conflicts. This pa­per analyses what forms the speech act of threat can take in the political dis­courses of two Europe­an countries: Germany and Spain. It attempts to identi­fy similarities and structural differences in the realization of speech acts of threat at the lexical, grammatical, and pragmatic levels by politicians in these countries. The study relies on sixty-six speeches of German and Spanish poli­ticians: Alexander Gauland, Alice Weidel, Mariano Ra­joy, and Íñigo Méndez de Vigo.


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