Natural and medical sciences

2019 Issue №4

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Some features of external migration processes in the coastal regions of the Western borderlands of Russia



The combination of two major economic and geographical factors — the presence of the border and access to the sea — largely determine the features of socio-economic development of the coastal regions of the Western borderlands of Russia and, as a consequence, the migration processes here. The purpose of the article is to identify the importance of these factors for migration in the coastal regions of the Western borderlands of Russia. The study showed that almost all the studied regions use their special economic and geographical location to get closer ties migration-wise with other russian regions and foreign countries, and are characterized by increased migration efficiency. A distinctive feature of the migration geography is intense migration turnover with neighboring countries: first of all, Finland, Estonia and Norway. The coastal position becomes an attractive factor for all the studied regions, except for the northern ones. The border can also affect the migration adversely both in the northern regions, and in the Leningrad region, St. Petersburg. The southern regions of Russia and the Kaliningrad region are the only ones to use their border position to make up the natural population decline at the expense of bordering states. Most regions are growing due to migration. The Northern Rus­sian regions are losing population. Migration here worthen the demo­gra­phic situation, even though there has been some equalization of gen­der dis­pa­ri­ties due to the outflow of the female population. The other recipient re­gions are characterized by a 'rejuvenation' of the population age structure and at the same time by worsening gender disparities. Applicants to universities and colleges are likely to leave for other regions of the Russian Federation (to the greatest extent this is typical for the northern regions). St. Petersburg, and to a lesser extent Rostov and Kaliningrad are the ones to attract students.


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