Physics, mathematics, and technology

Physics, mathematics, and technology

Mathematics and computer science

Hardware-Software Im­plementation of 1-Wire Interface Based on STM32 Microcontroller


This paper presents an implementation of 1-Wire communication inter­face based on STM32 microcontroller with the usage of hardware timer. Im­plemented low-level library uses minimum of MCU resources, has address search functionality and can be applied for polling sensors in wired networks based on this interface.

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1+1-Dimensional Yang — Mills Equations and Mass via Quasiclassi­cal Correction to Action


Two-dimensional Yang — Mills models in a pseudo-euclidean space are considered from a point of view of a class of nonlinear Klein — Gordon — Fock equations. It is shown that the Nahm reduction does not work, another, novel choice is proposed and investigated. A quasiclassical quantization of the models is based on Feynmann — Maslov path integral construction and its zeta function representation in terms of a Green function diagonal for an aux­iliary heat equation with an elliptic potential. The natural renormalization use a freedom in vacuum state choice as well as the choice of the norm of an evolu­tion operator eigenvectors. A nonzero mass appears as the quasiclassical cor­rection, that is expressed via hyperelliptic integral.

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Development and Research of Properties of Mail Exchange Protocols Inside a Hybrid Cloud with Two Re-Encryption Based on Hess Pairing


In this article we describe Hess pairing on elliptic curves and create its computational algorithm. Main purpose of this article is creation and proper­ties overview of mail-exchange protocol inside hybrid cloud with two re-encryptions, based on this pairing. Also, we describe an authentification algo­rithm, used in this protocol.

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Auto­matic System for Determining the Angles of Scoliotic Deformity of the Human Spine


Scoliosis is a common disease among children and adults. A standard method for assessing the severity of scoliosis is to measure the Cobb angle. However in some cases the Cobb angle may not be clinically indicative. More­over, the measurement process is fraught with errors caused by the subjectivi­ty of setting key points at the first measurement stage. The article describes the developed system for measuring the scoliosis angle, based on the use of ar­tificial convolutional neural networks and subsequent algorithmic processing. The objective of the developed program is to measure the angles of scoliotic de­formation of the spinal column.

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Bundles of Projective Normals of the Hyperband Distribution of an Affine Space


It is shown that the H -distribution for each L-, L-, H-subbundles gene­rates three one-parametrical families of Norden internal normalizations in the 2nd order differential neighbourhood. Construction H-subbundle of the Fubini and Wilczynski projective nor­mals is given. Canonical bundles of 1st and 2nd kind normals are constructed for each L-, L-, H-subbundles of the H-distribution.

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Implementation of a Software Signal Generator of Various Shapes Based on a Microcontroller of the STM32F10x Family


This paper describes the principle of building an arbitrary waveform gen­erator based on the STM32F10x MCU family. This generator was successful­ly applied by the authors of the study in the development of the electostimula­tion device. Waveform generator allows to generate impulses of square, trape­zoidal, sawtooth and sinusoidal shape in a wide frequency range, creating minimal computational load on the core of MCU. Software signal waveform generator can also be applied in creating other electonical devices such as mo­tor drivers or can be used as laboratory signal source.

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Analysis of the Pos­sibilities of Introducing Blockchain Technology in the Banking Sector


The paper analyzes the main options for introducing blockchain technol­ogy in the banking sector. The foundations of the technology itself, its ad­vantages and limitations are considered. The option of introducing technology in the form of a combination of internal and external blockchains with the in­volvement of the resources of the regulator represented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is proposed.

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Theoretical and experimental physics

Conceptual-Visual Basis of Functional Hybrid Intel­ligent Diagnostic Systems


The paper considers the elements and specialities of the diagnostic in the medical field. There is also proposed the categorical kernel of the functional hybrid intellectual diagnostic systems with cognitive visualization of prob­lems in medicine. Such systems would give the opportunity to smooth the conflicting symptomatic data and would make the processes of negotiation of the diagnostic problem visible and contrastive.

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Estimation of Radio Signal Attenuation for «Earth — Space» Path Design


The authors study the application of calculation method of radio signal attenuation in clouds and amplitude scintillations that take place during its propagation in the atmosphere. The paper describes the algorithm of attenua­tion calculation, created in MATLAB program and calculated resulting at­tenuation for Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Additionally, the topic of estimation of total atmospheric attenuation is highlighted.

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Method for Calculating the Optimal Configuration of a Wind Generator


Paper is devoted to development of calculation method for optimal con­figuration of wind generators. Electromechanical features of permanent mag­nets synchronous generators with round rotor are researched, formularization is made for these features. Also mechanical properties of wind turbines with horizontal rotation axis are described. Reviewed theoretical materials allowed to develop calculation method of wind turbine parameters and gearbox param­eters for performing nominal output power with normal operation conditions. Simulation of wind generator in MATLAB software confirmed efficiency of proposed calculation method.

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