Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №4

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German youth slang as a reflection of modern reality



In this article, I consider how the environment affects the functioning of youth slang. I aim to explore how elements of today’s world are reflected in the vocabulary of young people. The objects of my study are units of today’s German youth slang, particularly, those identified as the most popular by surveys of the German publishing company Langenscheidt. I consider the main periods in the formation of German youth slang in the 20th/21st centuries and review the events that affected its formation. I provide evidence that there is a link between events taking place in the lives of young people and in their country, on the one hand, and neologisms that emerge in youth slang, on the other. I list slang words and expressions most popular among the youth in 2014–2018 according to Langenscheidt. I describe key trends, events, and elements of life today that have found reflection in the language of young people. I conclude that the most popular slang units are the neologisms that provide the clearest and most comprehensive picture of a phenomenon and display the attitudes of young people to it. The fact that each year a new slang unit tops the list testifies to the volatility and changeability of the structure of youth slang.


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