Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2019 Issue №3

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Speech representation of the category of authorship in mo­dern Serbian journalism



The article reveals the specificity of the speech representation of the au­thor’s category in the texts of contemporary Serbian publicists, devoted to the most acute and topical events in the life of Serbia’s domestic policy, in par­ticular to the events of the election race and the results of the presidential elec­tions in 2017. Particular attention is drawn to the ways of representing this category through the aggression in the authors’ speech. The purpose of the study is to determine the vector of modernization of the authorship category in Serbian journalism, due to the prevailing public mood in connection with the political situation in the Balkans. The empirical material of the study is pre­sented in the texts of the key periodicals of Serbia — the oldest Belgrade news­papers, Politika (Politics) and Vechernye novosti (Evening News), as well as the political publication Danas (Today), Vreme (Time) and Nedeljnik (Weekly). Analysis of the material makes it possible to talk both about the prac­tices of creating potential aggressive installations and directly using speech aggression, i. e. injective vocabulary in the speech, manifestation of ob­jects of this aggression in the texts. The research concludes that the specificity of the authorship category representation in Serbian journalism turns out to be connected with the modern psychological state of the nation, the peculiari­ties of the national mentality, which, in turn, determines the key features of the author-journalist, speaking from the position of a author-national.


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