Physics, mathematics, and technology

2019 Issue №2

Ship transmitting antenna system


The article is devoted to the development of a transmitting antenna sys­tem, characterized by an increased coefficient of the traveling current wave, realizing one of the ways to create phased antenna arrays of the short wave and ultrashort wave bands, in the conditions of the limited surface of their placement on ships, in order to improve the electromagnetic environment of radio electronic means.

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Modeling of the image of the problem situation of medical diagnostics: challenges and state of the question


The paper considers the topicality and challenges of the approach for im­proving the quality of diagnosis by modelling of the image of diagnostics med­ical problem as an imitation of integrated combined visual-figurative and ver­bal-sign representations of the diagnostic problem by experts, and also by modelling collective restructuring of the reduced representation of the problem according to the conception of the council using hybrid intelligent systems as diagnostic decision support systems with cognitive visualization of medical diagnostic problems.

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Starovoitova O. V., Tukalenko O. N. Investigation of fluctuation characteristics in autogenerators on different transistors


A study of the characteristics of high-frequency oscillators on different transistors. The influence of transistor noise on fluctuations is considered. It is noted that in generators with a smaller nonisochronicity and with smaller cut-off angles of the current of the transistor, the fluctuations of self-oscillations are significantly lower. Formulated recommendations on the choice of transistors and their mode of operation for the construction of low-noise oscillators.

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Are there Everett worlds?


It is shown that the Everett worlds act on each other with a force that, in principle, can be measured «with a dynamometer». Hence the conclusion that these worlds really exist. It is shown that, contrary to popular belief, the ma­ny-world (Everett) and «casual» (de Broglie — Bohm) interpretations coin­ci­de. A limited path integral was used to describe coordinate measurement in terms of multiworld interpretation.

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