The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №2

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The identity and collective memory of Kaliningraders in recent Polish studies



This paper is a review of recent Polish studies on identity and collective memory in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Polish authors have analysed the development of Kaliningrad regional identity – a process closely related to collective memory changes and politics of memory. Scholars have explored the ‘identity dilemmas’ of Kaliningraders, commemorative con­flicts between different groups about the past, and strategies for the ‘invention of traditions’. However, studies into the identity of certain groups of local res­idents (the Polish diaspora or Catholics) cast doubt on the very validity of the question about the identity of Kaliningraders. The experience of Polish schol­ars shows that the interpretation of the past and present of the Kaliningrad region in a multicultural perspective is a viable research area.


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