The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №2

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Revolutionary processes as seen by students reading P. A. Sorokin and contemplating the present



In analysing Pitirm Sorokin’s The Sociology of Revolution, future so­ciologists and political scientists assimilate revolutionary processes in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century and try to establish reasons and factors behind social shocks. Students seek to juxtapose the consideration of evolu­tionary changes with cardinal changes in the life of society and to register the existence of manipulated and spontaneous processes. In their essays, students arrive at conclusions about whether a revolution is possible today.


1. Маркс К. Классовая борьба во Франции с 1848 по 1850 г. // Маркс К., Эн­гельс Ф. Соч. 2-е изд. Т. 7. М., 1956. С. 5—110.

2. Ленин В. И. Две тактики социал-демократии в демократической револю­ции // Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч. Т. 11. М., 1960. С. 1—131.

3. Сорокин П. А. Социология революции. М., 2005.