The humanities and social science

2019 Issue №2

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National monetary policy and the role of banks in increasing its efficiency



This study aims to explore the relationship between credit institutions and the Bank of Russia in implementing the national monetary policy. Anoth­er aim is to iden­tify the goals and objectives of the national monetary policy, as well as the means and ways to attain them. The methodology relies on both general scien­tific principles (the ontological principle, the unity of the histori­cal and the logical, the formal legal and comparative legal approaches) and domain-specific approaches. This research addresses urgent problems such as ensuring effective interactions between the Bank of Russia and credit organi­sations in implementing the national monetary policy; conducting a scientific analysis of current problems relating to banking activities; making effective use of objec­tive economic laws and all the means of administrative and eco­nomic influ­ence that the Bank of Russia has.


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